5. The way back to Twelve

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After they found a cave near the stream Peeta unpacks the sleeping bag and Katniss makes a little fire. Minutes later they lay in each other arms watching the fire.

“Do you remember our last cave” Peeta asks.

“Hm, where I nearly lost you” Katniss whispers tears falling from her cheeks on Peeta’s shirt.

“Hey, I’m sorry I don’t wanna upset you but for me there are so many wonderful moments to remember. The soup when I told you about my long lasting feelings, your head on my chest- it’s also a great feeling right now – and the best thing ever, your kiss.” Peeta wipes away her tears and leans in for a long kiss.

Katniss sobs “I just thought about how I treated you after the first games. I didn’t know how to handle my feelings but I missed you!”

“Katniss …”

“I wasn’t able to look into your eyes because I was afraid of what to see. If there were hatred I wouldn’t have stand it!”

“Oh Katniss, I was hurt and felt betrayed, but I was desperate to see your eyes again. I’ve still loved you more than my life.” Peeta held her tight and one lonely tear leaves his eye.

A crack outside let them rise their heads.

“Hey there you are.” Finnick gives them one of his distinctive smiles as he enters the cave.

“Are you hungry or do you live only from air and love?” he grins and gets two loafs of bread and some smoked beef.

“Finnick! That looks great, I’m starving” Katniss smiles.

“Any problems on your way here?” asks Peeta.

“No nothing. After I send the searchers into the north I didn’t met anyone on my way. I also heard them talk about Coin’s order to get back by sunset. So we’re safe here for the night” Finnick answers.

Next day after a little breakfast Katniss walks out to hunt while Peeta and Finnick start to pack their things and activate the tracker that Haymitch can find them.

“It’s a great hunting area here” Katniss says and throws a rabbit and two squirrels beside the fire.

Peeta embraces her “I’ve missed you my little hunting girl”. He is right Katniss thinks, she missed him too it it’s only half an hour she’s without him. She feels a hit in her stomach and knows that she never will leave him again only a minute.

She huddles beside him and inhales the love feelings he’s sending with every breath.

Early afternoon a noise shows the arrival of Haymitch and the others.

One by one they get on the ladder and after a few minutes the hovercraft leaves to Twelve.

“So how did the distraction works?” Peeta looks at Haymitch.

“Great work guys. Coin was shocked and screamed they have to bring back the Mockingjay. That she would need you Katniss for the rebellion blah blah blah. Good we know better” shouts Haymitch from the cockpit where he sits beside his friend Thom, who flies the hovercraft.

Apart from Kate and Josie, Thom’s family, Prim and Annie there is Greasy Sae sitting in one of the seats.

“Greasy Sae what are you doing here. I thought you liked it in Thirteen.” Katniss gives the old woman a huge smile.

“I don’t like to live the rest of my life underground, I need fresh air and besides you all need someone to cook.”

Most of them fall asleep after a while until Haymitch wakes them “Only one hour and we’re back home. We don’t have much time to get all these stuff out of the Hovercraft; as soon as possible we must send it far away from Twelve to fake our death.”

“Thom, can you land directly in front of the entrance to the Victors Village?” Peeta asks.

“That’s the plan, why?”

“We can store all the things right in the first house nobody lives in there and there’s enough space. After that we can decide who move into what other houses.” Peeta explains.

Prim sits beside Kate and plays with little Josie. Katniss walks over to them and says: “Prim, little duck, can I speak to you, please.”

“Of course, what is it?”

“I .. hm.. don’t want to move in our house. I think it’s better Peeta and me life in his house because of our nightmares and his flashbacks. It’s not that easy to handle it and I don’t want you to get in danger. Is it ok for you?” Katniss feels bad by letting her sister alone, but it is the best for her.

“Oh, Katniss, I never thought you would move in the house with me. I knew for a while that nothing can separate you from Peeta. I just invited Kate and her family to live with me and maybe Greasy Sae also wants to stay with us.” Prim gives her sister a big hug.

“Thank you, Prim. I love you” Katniss smiles at her and goes back to Peeta.

“Are you ready? We’re landing” Haymitch shouts.

Minutes later the door opens and they build a chain to get the food and all the other things out of the hovercraft.

One hour later all is stored in the house and Thom starts the hovercraft with the remote-control. “How wide is the range of this” Finnick asks.

“Oh, it’s an invention of Beete and his work is incredible. The range is nearly 1000 miles. I couldn’t believe it myself as I first heard it, but he showed me when he brought some people to District 9 without a pilot.” Thom answers still impressed. “I send the hovercraft to the west and will destroy it somewhere between District 9 and 7. Because of the cameras I can see every time on this screen where the Hovercraft is. It’ll take a while. Go and help Annie move in your new house I’ll see you tomorrow.”  

With a last look at Thom, Finnick walks over to Annie.

Katniss and Peeta helped Prim and Thom’s wife to bring a lot of things into the house. When Peeta grabs Katniss’ bag and goes to her old house Katniss stops him. “Peeta, that’s the wrong direction. I live over there.” She shows to his house. After a short moment Peeta realizes what that mean. “You’ll stay with me?” he stumbles “I was afraid to ask, but…”.

“Oh Peeta, I promised to never leave you again and except that I don’t want lose a day without you on my side. I love you!” says Katniss when she takes his arm and leads him to their new home.

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now