10. Winter

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Winter comes early this year with a lot of snow so they are supposed to stay inside the house more often. Katniss and Peeta start to write a book about everything that had happened to them after the reaping and all the people they won’t forget.

One day the snow storm isn’t that bad, they invite their friends for dinner. Not only for a good meal, but also, to get information for the book in their point of view, about the things that happened. They talk about funny moments like Effie said “This is mahogany” as Katniss plunged the knife into the table at the first train or shot the arrow through the apple right beside Seneca Cranes head. And obviously they talk about the bad things and the people they lost through the games. Sometimes it is totally different to the memories of Katniss and Peeta and how they felt in these situations but it’s good to know and Katniss writes them all down and into the book, while Peeta tries to paint what he just heard.

All this causes more nightmares for both of them and some more flashbacks for Peeta, but they have learned to go through it together in each other arms and with a lot of soothing words and kissing.

A week later they are all together again and everybody is talking about the chariot ride at the 75th Quarter Quell and how Snow looked at the tributes especially at Katniss and Peeta and what he said as Peeta mumbles something nobody understand or even listen to.

Suddenly Peeta throws the picture he just make through the room at the wall, jumps up and bursts through the front door out of the house into the snow.

“What?” Prim looks up.

“Peeta!” Katniss screams. “Stay here, don’t come after me. I’ll find him” she shouts at her friends while running outside.

“Wait”. Haymitch shouts after her.

Thank God is doesn’t snow right now, so Katniss can see at the footsteps in the snow the way Peeta choses.

A few yards behind her Haymitch follows with two jackets because both ran out only in a light shirt.

Only minutes later Katniss sees Peeta lying in the snow and runs over to him.

“Peeta! Peeta! What are you doing?” she shouts and turns him on the back to look into his eyes.

“Go away I don’t wanna hurt you” Peeta murmurs right before he yells at her “Mut! You killed everybody!”

Katniss crouches beside him into the snow squeezing one of his hands and put her other hand on his chin to make him look at her.

“Peeta, that’s not real. You’re in a flashback. That’s not real! Peeta come back to me!”

For one moment there are blue sparkles in his eyes and a weak “I try” escapes him before his eyes go black again.

Katniss pulls him into an embrace and kisses him “Stay with me!”

After a while stroking his hair and holding him tight she realizes the relaxing of his body. She opens her arms and looks at his eyes, they are back to normal. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t want them to see me like that” he cries at her shoulder.

“Shhh Peeta, it’s alright. But next time don’t run that far I can’t hardly breathe” she makes him smile a little.

Meanwhile Haymitch arrives at their side and growls “Are you two crazy? It’s ice cold out here and you run off only wearing a shirt. I didn’t lose you in the Games and I won’t lose you because of the frosty winter. Take this on immediately!” he shouts throwing the jackets at the heads of the only two people he has left and he cares for in his life. Of course he would never announce this to them.

Now feeling the coldness they put the jackets on still lying in the snow.

“Do you remember the last time we’re lying in the snow?” Katniss asks.

“Sure I know. Nice acting Katniss.” A hurt shine reaches his eyes for a moment.

“I never told you and I’m sorry about that, but that kiss in the snow was real I missed you so much at that point.” Silent tears run down Katniss cheeks when she looks deep in his eyes.

Instead of an answer Peeta pulls her in his arms and smashes his lips on hers and kisses her deeply.

Hand in hand they run back into the house where the others still talk about the Capitol and the Games. Haymitch must have told them what happened and that it’s alright again.

“Hey you” Finnick grins “if it’s too warm here for you we could have find a place far from the fire you didn’t need to run in the snow.” He is only joking for real he knows exactly what they did outside.

“No it’s alright” Peeta smiles back. “We’re going to take a warm shower and then go to bed. I think it’s the best after our little run outside to prevent to get a cold. Stay as long as you like just close the door when you leave.”

“We’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” Katniss looks into the faces of her friends and then turns to walk upstairs with Peeta.

In front of the bathroom door they couldn’t agree who takes a shower first so they go together. It’s the first time and after they soaped each other they pull in together and the kisses get deeper and the longing for each other overwhelms them both so they stumble out of the bathroom and fall on the bed lips still touching.

“Are you sure?” Peeta asks. Instead of an answer Katniss pulls him over her and her hands glide down his back what let him moan.

As he looks at his love she smiles “Don’t dare to ask again!”

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