6. At the Capitol

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The door slams open and Heavensbee rushes into the office looking in the surprised faces of Coin, Johanna, Gale and the camera team.

“They’re dead !” he shouts breathless. “The Hovercraft exploded over a forest between District 7 and 9.”

Johanna’s tears fill her eyes when she looks over to Gale realizing he don’t shows the expected emotion causes his feelings for Katniss. The only thing Johanna sees is a lack of interest paired with selfish hatred as he says: “Never mind, she absolutely wanted to be together with this loser. That’s the result.”

Coin says “I thought they would go to Twelve but maybe that was too obvious. Send some guards there; I want to be sure they’re all dead. If they aren’t make sure they will! One problem less! Oh and Heavensbee call Beete he has to send the prepared ‘The Mockingsjay’s dead’ propos all over Panem right now. Now can we go ahead with the plan for the propos?”

“The Mockingjay is dead and you’re not shocked anyway – What is going on here?” shouts Johanna. “Why were they on these Hovercraft?”

Coin looks at her with cold and angry eyes “Ok, here’s the answer. We planned to kill them anyway because we don’t need them anymore and they are dead worth more than alive. Now I can get her into an martyr who gave live to lead a rebellion and I don’t have to worry about my election for being the new president. They must have heard about the plan and started an escape with we now know how it ends. You never liked them why should you bother?”

“Oh, I don’t. It’s ok.” Johanna doesn’t want to hear anymore just thinking ‘What will they do with us if they don’t need us for propos or the rebellion?’.

“Your squad will consist of 6 soldiers, the camera team and you. On your way through the Capitol and Snows mansion the camera team will get as much pictures as possible for Beete to show on screen. We must show the people that we’re not going to stop because of Katniss’ dead that we’re ready to take over the Capitol. Beside this your main target is to get to Snow and kill him. Are you ready for this? You’ll start tomorrow morning!” Without a word all leave the room.

Two days after they arrived at the Capitol the squad enters a secret and secured way through the tunnels and is on its way to Snows mansion. One of the soldiers leads them to an exit the time they get out of the tunnel they realize that they are ended up in a combat between the Peacekeepers and the Rebels. Gale’s the first who starts to climb on a roof of an old warehouse nearby where he has spotted a group of rebels. “Gale wait” Johanna sprints after him and get him as he set his foot on the roof. “Come on hurry” he yells at her and grabs her hand to pull her on the roof.  They crawl beside the other rebels and lay beside Paylor the leader from Eight. “Shoot the hovercrafts!” she shouts and begins to fire her gun at the first hovercraft.

The rebels shoot 4 hovercrafts and get the survived Peacekeepers arrested. Paylor leads the Gale, Johanna and the rest of the squad to Snow’s mansion right in time to see he’s trying to leave through a side entrance. In between a second Gale hisses his bow and shoot an arrow in Snow’s body while Johanna runs to Snow with her axe in hands screaming “That’s for what you did to us at the Games and after”.

The camera team filmed all what happened and sends it right now to Beete at Thirteen. Heavensbee grins and runs to Coin’s office. “They did it he’s dead” he burst into the room.

A week later Coin stand on the stairs in front of the government house to sheer the people and to make herself for President as an arrow hits her and she falls down the stairs dead.

The people stares shocked at Coin and then turns to look for the one who shoots her but there is nobody. Nobody ever found out who did it except Johanna.

She saw Gale leaving the mansion where they got rooms right after the rebellion and followed him. She saw him with his bow and an arrow most of the rebels used and not one of his special arrows. Hide behind a corner she saw him shoot Coin and went back as if nothing had happened.

 Later Johanna goes to Gale’s room and finds him lying on the bed starring at the wall with an empty look in his eyes. He not even notices her until she sits beside him on the bed.

After a few minutes he murmurs “I did it for you. Because of what she did to you and she wanted to do she planned to get the Games on again and that’s something I couldn’t let happen. It destroyed too much already and after she killed the others I didn’t want to see her killing you or other innocent kids.”  This always cool looking guy feels for other people I never believe this would happen to see him like this – Johanna thinks. Maybe her hope to find someone who loves or even likes her wasn’t hopeless. She leans over him and looks him in his wonderful eyes before she kisses him. His eyes widen than he pulls his arms around her and kisses her back.

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now