20. The list

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Time goes by.

Peeta works in the bakery and everybody in the district knows the new bakery where they can buy the best buns they’ve ever seen. In the past they only got the “green” bread made with seaweed. Also his cakes with the distinctive frosting are very popular so Peeta had to make four cakes in the first week.

In the morning Katniss helps in the bakery by selling every sort of buns and writing all orders in the order book. The afternoons go by with decorating the house, chatting with Annie and Effie or playing with Ryan at the beach.

Their free time Katniss and Peeta spend together at the beach swimming, kayaking or just lying in the sand enjoying themselves. One of these days Katniss lies on Peeta’s lap thinking about something.

“What are you thinking of?” Peeta asks realizing that something bothers her of course.

“We have a wonderful live here but I miss the hunting time I had in Twelve. I don’t even know whether I can shoot an arrow.” She murmurs still in thoughts.

“I’m sorry, Katniss.”

“No, Peeta it’s not your fault. I have an idea and I would like to hear what you think about it. I’d like to offer archery lessons at school. It’s not really like hunting, but I could spent time with my bow.” She smiles at her last words. “And I get tired by chatting with Effie about the wedding.”

Peeta laughs “Is it that horrible?”

“You can’t image what I have to hear every day.” Katniss grins.

“Ok, I think I don’t want to. But seriously your idea is great I think you’d be a wonderful teacher. If you want I can help you design a flyer you can pin at the bulletin board.” He leans down to her and gives her a light kiss.

“That would be wonderful. You can paint something and I write the text.” She says relieved that he agrees with her idea.

The same evening they sit in Peeta’s painting room and create the flyer. An hour later Katniss stares stunned at the picture he painted. It’s a picture of her in the woods with the bow and an arrow. “Peeta, that’s wonderful and together with the text I think I’ll find someone who wants to learn it.” She jumps at him, puts her arm around his neck and kisses him. The kiss gets more and more passionate and without letting go of her lips Peeta carries her into the bedroom.

The school principal is delighted at the idea and promises to order the necessary equipment for the lessons. With a great smile on her face Katniss enters the bakery and right before she bursts into the baking area she stops because of Peeta shouting at somebody.

“No, I don’t do it! If she needs all the time of the world I’ll give it to her. We’re together and we’re lucky. I won’t force her into a wedding, Effie. Never! I love her so much and the most I want for her is to be happy.”

“But…” Effie starts.

“No, end it. Everything is said, but if there’s sometimes a date we’ll tell you.” He says in a calmer voice.

Effie sighs “I see, Peeta. Okay, I think I can wait.” She turns and walks through the back door.

Katniss takes a deep breath before she opens the door and creeps up on Peeta who’s standing with the back to her at the table. She gives him a peck on the neck and wraps her arms around his waist.

“Hey, Darling how are you? I heard you had a visitor?” She smiles when he turns to kiss her.

“Have you heard everything?” He shakes his head while thinking of Effie.

“Yeah, a lot and I can imagine through what you’ve been through before I arrive. I hear this every time I meet her.” Katniss mimics Effie’s gesture “But… .”

Peeta laughs “So you also heard what I said?”

“Especially that and I’m thankful for that. It makes me love you more and more.” She leans her head on his chest. “There’s nothing I’d rather do than marry you as soon as possible but it scares me listening Effie planning OUR wedding. She may not look any longer like a Capitol person but her former life is still in her mind and I’ll never want a Capitol wedding.” Before tears can escape her eyes Peeta grabs her tighter.

“Shh, Katniss. It’s alright I understand it and don’t want it like that too. It would only remind me of Cesar and everything the Capitol made up at us. I think we have to make a list what we definitely NOT want and what we DO want for our wedding. The only thing I’m clear of is that I want to marry you and as I said to Effie I’ll give you all the time you’ll need because I love you more than my life and I’ve waited that long I can wait a bit longer. As long as I’m on your side every day I’m more than happy.”

Instead of an answer Katniss smashes her lips on his and pulls his head nearer for a passionate kiss.

Two days later Katniss just comes home from her first archery lesson at school she finds Peeta in the kitchen leaned over a still white sheet of paper.

“Hey how was the lesson?” He smiles at her.

“Oh they are all so enthusiastic but since today I never thought back at my beginnings.” She grins. “After one hour there was not one arrow in the target but I had a lot of fun. The kids are so nice and never gave up.”

“I’m happy for you.” Peeta pulls her on his lap.

Katniss looks at the paper. “What are you trying to do here?”

“I thought I’ll start the wedding list. You know what we want and what not. I wanted to start with the things we want, but in my head I find only things I definitely don’t want.”

“Ok, come on let’s do it together. First I want the toasting.” Katniss says and Peeta writes everything she says down on the list.

A knock at the door disturbs them.

“Who can that be?” Katniss looks at Peeta.

He slaps his hand on his forehead. “I totally forgot today is boys night and that must be Finnick and Haymitch.” He grabs her hands and kisses her knuckles. “Sorry Honey, there was no time to tell you. We decided to make our own evening twice a month rotating at each other homes.” He says and gives her light kiss before he leaves to open the door.

I got a writer’s block on my way to the wedding J  Sorry about that! I hope the next week I can finish the story.

After that I try to rewrite the story but this time with different Points of view – then I can deepen the thoughts of Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch (and may be the others.)

Have a nice day and thank you all for reading.

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now