8. What a day

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It’s early morningKatniss and Peeta are in the woods the first time after Twelve awakes for live again. They’re carrying a blanket, some food, Peeta’s sketchbook and of course Katniss’ bow and arrow. After two hours walking or stumbling because Peeta isn’t good in walking on uneven ground they arrive at the lake. Worthless Peeta stays at the shore and stares over the beautiful nature around him. Katniss lays an arm around his waist and says “I knew you would like it”.

“Now I regret that I’ve never been behind the fence earlier” Peeta kisses Katniss on her cheek “Thank you for bringing me here”. They lie down on the blanket and take some food out of the basket. After they finished their meal they lie side by side in each other’s arms and fall asleep immediately after that long way to the lake.

More than an hour later Katniss awakes but don’t move to not disturb Peeta who is drawing something in his sketchbook. She watches him how he let his concentrated look go over the lake and thinks ‘Now that we’re finally get together I will never never let him go again, nobody can separate us and I will never get him hurt again. He is my live without him I’m nothing else than an broken girl.’ Fortunately he don’t see the little tear that escapes from her eye as he suddenly looks at her. “Why are you smiling” he asks as he leans in to give her a light kiss.

“I just thought how happy I am to be with you” Katniss answers and catches his sketchbook to take a look at his work.

“Oh Peeta, it’s wonderful it seems like the lake is real at this picture. I really don’t know how you do it, it looks so natural.”

“I think I got it from my father. He could paint as well, but he stopped after he married my mother. As I was a little boy he once showed me some of his picture and I know that I was really impressed and started right away to paint everything I saw.” Peeta smiles in the thought of his father the only person in his family who really had loved him.

To distract him from the sad thoughts Katniss stands up and pulls him up on his feet “Now it’s time to show you how to swim” she smiles at his irritated look.

Katniss only in her underwear runs into the water “Come in it’s great and it’s not deep here” she shouts. Peeta pulls out his trousers and his shirt and starts to go into the water step by step with worried eyes. “Katniss, please stop spraying water at me. Just teach me how to swim seriously I don’t want to drown here in this lake” Peeta shouts breathless. An hour later he is not the best swimmer but he’s able to paddle through the water from on point to another without drowning. Back on the blanket Peeta pulls Katniss in his arms to warm her and they start to explore their kissing skills.

In the afternoon they grab their things and walk back home. As they get near the fence there is a loud noise coming from behind them. Alarmed they crouch under a bush and look up to see about eight hovercrafts gliding through the sky. “Kat.. Katniss” a low voice beside her breaks Katniss’ look to the sky. “Peeta, oh my god. I’m here there is no danger we’re save here. Nobody will hurt you again. Sssh sssh it’s okay” she helps him through his bad thoughts.

With her help he gets back fast and they decide to find out what’s about the hovercrafts.

As they arrive at the center of Twelve one hovercraft has landed and in front of it all the people from the seam and their friends. Haymitch stays right before the door as it opens and a smiling Paylor walks out of it right before Katniss and Peeta arrive beside Haymitch.

“President” Haymitch makes an easy bow with a big grin on his face.

“I knew it! After they not found any bodies at the crashed hovercraft I knew I would find you here” she says smiling before she hugs Katniss, Peeta and even Haymitch who looks very confused.

“What are you doing here and what about all these hovercrafts” Katniss asks her.

“I was curious if I’m right about you and as I heard that so many people came back here I packed some things you may need here. In these hovercrafts is food, building material, other useful things and more people who want to come back. I suggest we’re going to your house while my men and everyone who could help unload the hovercrafts. I really want to know how you got out of Thirteen” Paylor answers and all together make their way to the Victors Village.

After a big meal with all her friends who told her about their escape Paylor tries to answer their questions as well.

“Katniss, Prim I have to send greetings from your mother she lives now in Four and helps to rebuild a hospital. Yes, I ordered to rebuild all the districts and the new Capitol will send monthly food and any help that’s needed to the districts until they are totally rebuild and could work for their own. Next month we’ll be able to start the railway again, so everybody can go wherever he wants.”

“Thanks for your visit and the great news, if you need our help just call and we’re there.” Finnick speaks out what everybody thinks before they lead her back to the hovercrafts.

“What a day” Peeta murmurs when he climbs into bed at Katniss’ side. “First I learn how to swim, then we hear these stunning news from Paylor and now I’m lying here with the love of my life. It couldn’t get any better. I love you Katniss.”

With hardly open eyes Katniss smiles at him and her last words before her head falls on his chest are “I love you Peeta, always”.

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