9. Finnick and Annie

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The months go on and more and more people come back to Twelve. With the help from the Capitol what means Paylor District Twelve gets to new life. The former old buildings and burned buildings at the seam look now better than ever, the coalmine is open again and the people run their daily business without the fear for starving. Also the hob is rebuild and looks more like a marketplace now but the people love to go there and change or buy something. Only the old Mellark Bakery lies still in ruins because Peeta isn’t able to just see it without getting a flashback. Sometimes when he gets requests from the people he bakes for them but he does it in the first house at the Victors Village they use as storage.

There he is as Finnick bursts through the door calling for him.

“Finnick, I’m here. What happened? Why are you crashing into the house like a hurricane?” Peeta looks scared around the corner.

“Peeta, I .. we get a baby!” Finnick grins from ear to ear.

“What? Really? Congratulations! When will it come?”

“Annie doesn’t realized it until now, she thought it was all about the excitement of our escape, but today she went to the doctor and he said “Congratulations, Mrs Odair, you will have a baby in 5 months”

Finnick can’t stay still as he tells Peeta the news and suddenly they both jump through the kitchen like crazy little boys.

“We must tell Katniss” Peeta shouts breathless between two jumps.

“Annie is already there. Come on lets join our girls” Finnick says on his way out.

Peeta grabs the tablet with the fresh cheese buns and follows him.

Right in front of door they hear girlish screams and laughter.

“Isn’t it wonderful” Finnick shouts spinning his wife round and round.

Peeta walks over to Katniss and takes her in his arms smiling.

“Stop Finnick, I get dizzy. Let me down! I just told Katniss that we want her and Peeta as god parents for our child. What do you think, Peeta?” Annie looks at him.

Katniss also looks at him, she knows how much he loves children and that he would be enthusiastic to get his own. ‘But I can’t give him that, I’m too scared to have children because of the thought I could lost them like all the kids were lost in the games’ she thoughts trying to not let him see the tears filling her eyes.

“Annie that’s great. We’ll love it, right Katniss?” Peeta smiles at her. Sure he realizes the wet eyes not mention it.

“Yes it’s amazing. In five months we’re god parents. When do they tell you if it’s a girl or a boy? Katniss asks.

“We know it already! It’s a boy and we will call him Ryan” Finnick shouts not knowing what to do with his happiness but to shout and jump around.

After Annie and Finnick left Peeta turns to Katniss and wraps his arms around her waist.

“Hey we have time don’t think about my wish to have own kids. If you don’t want it it’s ok. I can understand it and I’m really happy with you on my side forever. Only the two of us.” Then he pulls her tighter and kisses her.

“I knew you would realize my thoughts. I’m sorry Peeta I’m still too afraid” Katniss replies.

“Let’s not talk about it now. I love you and like I know you, you must be hungry” he grins and pulls her into the kitchen where he set down the cheese buns.

Two hours later Prim comes to visit her sister.

“Hey Prim how is it we didn’t see you very often the last weeks.” Peeta greets her at the open door.

Prim gives him and her sister a hug and walks straight into the living room to flop on the sofa.

“I had a lot to do and you’re the first I tell. Katniss I know you think about me like your little duck, but I’m fifteen now and next year I have to choose what to do in my life. I thought a long time over it and as you know I like to help people like Mum does and I send an application to three hospitals in Panem. Today I got the answer – next year I’ll start training as a nurse in the hospital of District Eleven. No, Katniss don’t look at me like this. I’m not going alone two of my friends will go too and we all live in a boarding school there. Please be happy for me cause I am very, very happy!” Prim smiles while wrapping her arms around her sister.

“Little duck I’m glad for you but why didn’t you talk to us about your plans earlier? We could have helped you .” Prim interrupts Katniss “No, I wanted to do it on my own without any help to provide myself that I can do it besides it should be a surprise.”

“Prim that sounds great and I’m very proud of you” Peeta gives her a big smile. “I know you will become a good nurse you’re always so professional at healing items.”

After they told Prim about the baby news of Finnick and Annie she leaves and Katniss and Peeta go upstairs to sleep.

Very fast the months go by and on a sunny Sunday they all find together in a waiting room at the hospital. Annie’s baby is coming. They are all there Katniss, Peeta, Prim, Thom and his family, even Haymitch is sober and as excited as the others. It seems like Peeta is the father so he can’t sit still he paces through the room from wall to wall since one hour. “Peeta come here sit down there is almost a trail on the floor. What will you do if someday it’s really yours that’s coming?” Haymitch stops him on his way.

Another hour later Finnick appears in the door with a huge smile on his face “Everything is alright, Ryan arrived and he’s the cutest baby I’ve ever seen!”

“How is Annie?” Katniss asks.

“She’s fine. Now everybody can come into her room to take a look at the little boy. Maybe he reminds you of someone” he grins and leads them all to Annie’s room.

On their way out of the hospital everybody agrees that little Ryan really looks like Finnick and the he thank God doesn’t has his nose.

Three days later Annie leaves the hospital and finds all her friends at home greeting the Odair family with a welcome party. The star of the day almost sleeps the whole time and doesn’t notice that every few minutes another face appears over his cradle to take a look at him.

At night Peeta and Katniss lay in bed when Peeta whispers “He’s such a nice little boy and it’s amazing how look alike he is to Finnick.”  “Hmm” Katniss murmurs not knowing what else to say. Right  before she falls asleep in Peeta’s arms she thinks “Maybe …. Why not… I can fulfil his greatest wish.”

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