14. Visit Four

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“Hey Finnick, it’s me Peeta.”

“Peeta! What happened? Are you alright? You sound so breathless” Finnick asks fearful.

“You’re right I’m breathless because I ran home from the hill jumping, screaming and laughing.” Peet smiles at the phone.

“What? Where is Katniss? You’re sure everything is alright?” Finnick still thinks his friend is crazy.

Katniss wrests the receiver from Peeta. “Finnick?”

“Hey, Katniss. What’s going on, is he crazy?” Finnick asks.

“No, everything is alright. We’re just so excited. We determined that we will move to Four!” she explains.

“What? No? Yes!Yes!” now Finnick screams like crazy too. “Annie! Annie! Come here, you’ll never guess what Katniss just told me.”

“Stop, Finnick, stop!” Katniss shouts. “I give you Peeta again, there’s something he wants to ask you for.”

Katniss sits down at a chair and watches Peeta with a smile on her face, who can’t stand still while talking with Finnick.

After a lot of “Yes!”, “Really!” “No, we’re not crazy!” Peeta hangs up and turns to Katniss still grinning from ear to ear.

“They’re as excited as we; tomorrow he will ask a friend for a house he has in mind. And they’ll come to pick us at the station.” Peeta takes Katniss into his arms and starts to dance through the room. It follows a night with a lot of talking, laughing, kissing and eventually sleeping.

After breakfast Katniss goes to call Effie and Peeta makes his way to Haymitch. They decided to invite Haymitch for a weekend at Four as a distraction of his problems with Effie.

An hour later Katniss and Peeta meet in the kitchen.

“Were you successful?” Katniss asks him.

“Yes! You too?”

Katniss smiles and nods to him.

“Come on let’s go pack some things. There are only 3 hours left until the train leaves.” Peeta pulls her upstairs.

The train slows down and the three guys from Twelve can take a first look at the sea.

At the station they meet family Odair and are greeted with a lot hello and many balloons fixed at Ryan's baby carriage.

“Hey little guy, be careful don’t fly away with your balloons.” Peeta calls and pulls Ryan out of his carriage.

Even Haymitch can’t hide a smile and seems happy to be out of his house with the memories.

The next morning starts with the viewing of the house Finnick has in mind for Katniss and Peeta.

After 60 yards Finnick suddenly stops. “Go on, I want at last see the house.” Peeta shouts.

Finnick smiles “You’re standing right in front of it.”

Everybody turns and what they see is a big wooden house with something that looks like a big window of a shop.

“Is that…” Peeta stumbles “Is that what I think it is?”

Katniss gives him a kiss and takes his arm “Come on let’s have a look through the window before we get in.”

“Katniss, it’s an old bakery. It’s unbelievable, how could it be? As if it has waited for us.” Peeta’s eyes shine with joy and he swirls Katniss in the circle around.

The house fulfils everything they dreamed of and more. It has an awesome view at the sea with a big terrace.

“Peeta, come on, I show you the bakery” Finnick shouts from behind.

“I’ll stay here a little while, go and take a look at it.” Katniss gives him a kiss and Peeta runs to meet Finnick.

“Hey, Sweetheart!” Haymitch steps onto the terrace and puts an arm around her. “Why are you crying? You should be happy.”

“I am, Haymitch. I cry because I’ve not seen him so happy the last year. It was a hard time for both of us and I hope we can try to forget here in Four.” Katniss leans her head on his shoulder.

“Katniss, I told you once that you could live a hundred lifetimes and you still not deserve him. Today I get it back, what you do for him right now is something I never imagined you would do.” He gives her a kiss on the head “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Haymitch” Katniss now sobs. Few minutes later she dries her tears and looks at him. “As you know we will move here and we want you to come with us.”

“I guessed you would say that” he starts to answer.

“Please Haymitch…” Katniss starts.

“Ho ho, let me answer first, Sweetheart.” Haymitch interrupts “Of course I move here with you. How can I let alone the only two people they mean something for me?!”

Katniss stares at him than starts smiling and jumps in for a big hug. “Oh, Haymitch. I didn’t know… I’m glad you’ll be here.”  

Peeta and Finnick come back and Katniss can see at Peeta’s smile that the bakery and this house soon will be their own.

Annie opens the door “Hey your back, what do you think? Is it your new house?” To see the smile on the faces is enough for an answer. “You’re just the right time for dinner. We have a visitor – our new neighbor came to say hello.”

Everybody walks in and suddenly Haymitch, who walked in front, stops so the others bumps in his back.

“E…Effie? What are you doing here?” he stumbles as he sees her sitting at the sofa with little Ryan. “New neighbor?”

“Yes Haymitch, you idiot. Come her!” she smiles and open her arms for him.

“You don’t be angry anymore” he whispers.  “No, I’m not” Effie pulls him in for a long kiss.

“Huh, is within all these lucky people someone who would like to eat something?” Annie asks. This is the beginning of a fantastic evening with a lot chatting, laughing and seriously planning the future.

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