12. News

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Two days later Peeta finds Thom standing in front of Haymitch’ house banging at the door.

“Hey, Peeta. Why doesn’t Haymitch open the door and why is it locked? Isn’t he here?” Thom asks.

Peeta grins “He’s here, but he’s not alone. He is with his friend, his girlfriend.”

“What?” Thom looks over to Peeta. “O…Okay, do you know her?”

“Yes, but I can’t tell you that’s what Haymitch have to do. Why do you need him?”

“Nothing special, he said he would help me to put up our closet in the new house.”

“I can help you. I always wanted to take a look at your new wooden house at the seam.” Peeta offers his help.

“Thank you. Let’s go then.”

Meanwhile Katniss puts some books into a moving box. “I can’t believe you’re leaving us, too. What shall I do without you?”

“Oh, Katniss. We’re not out of the world, Peeta and you will visit us soon as promised and besides we can make a phone call every day.” Annie puts her hand on Katniss’ arm.

“It’ll be hard for Peeta to lose his friend and especially little Ryan, his God son. He loves him so much.” Katniss looks at Ryan playing with a little soft toy in form of a fish. “Oh Annie, if I only could fulfil his biggest wish” tears spread over her cheeks.

“Katniss, I know Peeta wants a family and you can give it to him. You’re the love of his life and I know you would also die if you don’t have him on your side. Katniss, the war is over, there are no more games and you would be a great mother don’t worry about this so much.” Annie tries to convince her.

Two hours later Katniss leaves to start the preparation for the dinner today with their friends and Haymitch with his girlfriend.

“The others will be wide-eyed, when they see his girlfriend” Peeta smirks while cooking the stew. “You didn’t tell someone?” Katniss looks over his shoulder into the pot.

“No, I don’t want to miss the look on their faces tonight” he grins and catches her finger right before she can dip it into the stew. He turns and puts her arms around her and kisses her. Their kiss deepens and they forget all around them until they hear a knock on the door.

“Oh, no. Not now” Peeta growls and goes back into the kitchen.

Katniss opens the door and finds Thom and Finnick with their families smiling.

“We don’t wanna be late for the big revealing” Finnick says and carries the sleeping Ryan into the living room to put him on the sofa.

“Hey Peeta, can we help?”

“No, thanks. It’s all ready. Just sit down and try not to look that curious” he smiles in the round.

Seconds later a loud bang at the door interrupts them.

Peeta opens it and freezes speechless staring at Haymitch and …. And Effie? That can’t be Effie, she doesn’t look like Effie, but yes she smiles like Effie.

“Peeta? Who is it?” Katniss walks by. “Effie?” she stumbles with wide eyes.

“Why don’t you ask us in? Where are your manners?” Effie nudges Peeta in the side and walks straight into the house followed by a grinning Haymitch. M

It takes a while before Katniss and Peeta can close the door and walk after them.

They stop at the doorframe and watch their friends and the new Effie.

It’s amazing. She looks so much better than in her Captiol outfit. Without a wig there is long shining blonde hair, her clothes are in subdued colors but very elegant and her make-up is really discrete and emphasizes her natural look. Haymitch is smiling all the time, nobody has ever seen him like this.

After the first stunned moments the evening becomes great with a lot of laughter and many old stories.

The next week Katniss and Peeta spend their time with Ryan. Playing with him, painting with him what brings up some gorgeous pictures of his hands and yes his little nose. There is a big bond between him and Peeta so Katniss begins to think about children again.

Today is moving day. Finnick and Annie packed all their stuff and send it to the station.

Everybody it there and with a lot of tears and promises to call and visit they say goodbye.

After Thom went back home, there are only four people left.

“I can’t believe there are really gone.” Katniss sobs at Peeta’s chest not seeing that he can hardly hold back the tears himself.

Together with Haymitch and Effie they walk back to Victors Village.

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now