18. Peeta

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She finds Peeta's pair of shorts directly at the waterline picks it up and looks up and down the beach, screaming his name.

Katniss walks into the water until it goes up to her hips now desperate screaming for her love. Suddenly someone calls her name. When she turns she sees Prim running down the beach. “Katniss what are you doing in the water? What happened?”

“I can’t find Peeta I only found his shorts. Have you seen him?” Tears streams down her cheeks.

“Katniss I know he would never do what you think he did. He’s fine! Come on we walk down the beach and I promise we’ll find him.” Prim grabs her sister’s arm and they make their way calling for Peeta every few steps.

A little forest comes in sight and Prim shouts “Katniss, look over there is someone coming out of the forest. Yes it’s Peeta!”

A sigh of relief escapes Katniss’ mouth but she is also angry about him when she follows Prim to meet Peeta.

His smile fades away when he sees the anger in Katniss’ face but he doesn’t know what he’s done that she’s so angry.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she screams at him and before he realizes she slaps him on the face turns and runs away sobbing.

“What?” He wants to follow her, but Prim grabs his arm and said “Wait a moment she’ll need some time to realize what happened.”

“But what have I done? I only walked along the beach to find some seashells and then I found these flowers at the edge of the forest. Everything I do is for her.” He tells Prim with shiny wet eyes.

“I know, Peeta. And you didn’t really do wrong, but she’s so afraid to lose you again. You’ve not seen her, when you’re in the Capitol. For her it was the worse time in her whole life.” Prim explains the reaction of her sister.

“Prim, I didn’t know. She never speaks about that time and I was not even sure she loves me at all. In the second arena I had the feeling it could be real but my feeling betrayed me once.” He says stunned.

“Go now!” Prim shoves him after Katniss.

A few yards away Katniss sits in the sand and stares at the water his shorts still in her hands.

Peeta walks over to her and sits down beside her without saying a word or touching her. Minutes pass by nobody says something.

“You scared me. I thought you drowned in the sea as I found your shorts.” Katniss growls at him.

“Please, Katniss. Let me explain.” He begs and starts telling her. “At six in the morning I heard the truck with our furniture and ran to the door before they could ring the bell. After half an hour the truck was unload and everything stored in the garage. I went back to the bedroom and found you in a deep peaceful sleep. I didn’t want to wake you because it was very late last night and so I went down to the beach. I pulled my shorts out because I didn’t want to get them wet, when I walk at the waterline to search for some seashells. I had the stupid idea it would be nice to decorate our new house with them. As I walked along the little forest I saw these beautiful blue flowers and picked some for you. I never wanted to scare you, I’m sorry Katniss.” He takes a deep breath as he finishes.

“No, don’t apologize. I overreacted as I woke up and couldn’t find you. I searched the house and then ran to the beach. Directly at the waterline I found your shorts and worried you went into the water. I don’t know why but I thought you left me and I know I wouldn’t stay alive alone without you.” Katniss looks at Peeta.

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now