11. Prim

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Time goes by and with it the snow goes and more and more green come back to Twelve.

“Good morning Darling, you’re gone that awakes me. What are you doing here so early?” Peeta asks and wraps his arms around Katniss. “Why do you sit here in the cold and stares at the wall? Come on what is it you know you can tell me.”

“It’s Prim I can’t believe she’s leaving us in a few weeks.” Katniss buries her head against his shoulder and starts to sob. “It’s like I lost her forever. I lost so many people in my life I’m not sure I can stand it again.”

“Shh Katniss, she only moves to Eleven, she is not gone forever. You can call her every day and we can visit her.”

A small smile brightens Katniss face “you’re right”. She stands up and gives him a kiss and then she walks upstairs to change her cloth.

Peeta makes breakfast and thinks about the paintings he wants to finish today.

Katniss comes down and lays her father’s hunting jacket over the chair.

“Oh good you’re going to hunt. Do you want me to come with you?” Peeta puts the bacon on a plate.

“No you don’t have to, I’ll be back soon. I know you’ll rather continue your paintings” she picks some bacon and a cheese bun gives Peeta a big kiss and strolls out into the wood.

On her way back Katniss meets Annie and her son Ryan.

“Katniss, I’m glad to meet you. Do you have time for a tea? I need to speak to you.” Annie asks.

They walk over to Annie’s and Finnick’s house at Victors Village while Annie makes the tea Katniss plays hide and seek behind the chair with Ryan what makes him laugh.

“Oh Annie he’s so adorable I love your little boy” Katniss smiles and sits him on her lab.

Annie brings the tea and sits down at the table. “Katniss, I have to tell you something and it’s not easy for me.” She takes a deep breath and says “We’re going to leave Twelve.”

“What? No!” Katniss shouts wide eyed. “Prim leaves in nearly two weeks you couldn’t go too! Why?” tears are filling her eyes.

“Oh Katniss, don’t cry. I’m so sorry and I would stay here forever with you and Peeta, but Finnick… he misses the sea and his life at Four. He’s like a fish he can’t stay long without water and the lake helped for a while but it’s not enough for long.” Annie grabs her hands and holds it. For a long time they don’t say a word only Ryan is giggling.

“I can’t tell it Peeta, it’ll kill him. His best and only friend here leaves him and my only friend I have left leaves too. And we can’t even see our god son as often as we like” Katniss murmurs under tears.

“You don’t have to tell it Peeta. Finnick is with him right now.” Annie sobs and takes her now sleeping son into his cradle before she embraces her friend.

“I must go now. I have to be with him when he gets the news. I need to be there for him.” Katniss stands up and leaves to go home.

She runs into the house and calls for Peeta. Nobody is there, not even Finnick.

“Peeta where are you?” she calls again. Through the silence she can hear a little noise coming from upstairs.

She runs into the bedroom to find Peeta lying on the bed sobbing into the pillow.

“Hey, I just heard it.” She puts her hand on his shoulder and squeezes it. “Come here to me” she says and opens her arms for him.

“Everybody leaves us. Promise you will not leave me too.”

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now