21. A letter

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The day for the wedding is set and since she got the list nobody’s seen Effie for two weeks.

“Are you sure to give everything about the planning of the wedding to Effie?” Peeta asks while getting dressed for the bakery looking at Katniss still lying in bed.

“We didn’t give her everything. Our wedding gowns and the bridal bouquet are our points to do. And we gave her the list and I know Haymitch and Annie will have a look at her plans.”

Katniss answers and leans forward to grab his sleeve and pull him back to her.

“Hey!” He smiles. “I have to go there’s a lot of work today.”

“Oh, come on. One more kiss please and I’ll come later to help you at the bakery.” She begs with puppy eyes.

He shakes his head about his fiancé and leans in for a long passionate kiss before he turns and walks out of the room with a big satisfied smile on his face.

After the archery lesson at school Katniss walks as promised to help Peeta at the bakery.

She serves a few customers before she meet Peeta in the back room where he’s frosting a wedding cake.

“Oh, that looks beautiful.” She stays in front of the cake and looks at the purple seashells and orange starfishes.

“I hope our wedding cake will be as beautiful as these.” She says impressed.

“And I hope that I don’t have to make my own wedding cake.” Peeta repeats laughing.

When the bell rings Katniss serves the last customer and Peeta comes from the back room to lock the door when they see Annie and Finnick coming across the lawn carrying a huge parcel.

“What’s that?” Katniss asks curious.

Annie smiles “I’ll tell you but first let’s go inside.”

“Give me a moment to change my work clothes.” Peeta runs upstairs to take a quick shower and change in some casual jeans and a t-shirt before he enters the living room.

“Peeta please sit down right beside Katniss I think it’ll be necessary you’re near.” Annie directs him to the sofa.

“Annie? You start to scare me.” Katniss glances at her and takes Peeta’s hand.

“I’ve a letter for you but please stay calm and don’t freak out. Everything’s gonna be fine.” Annie pulls a letter out of her pocket.

With shaking hands Katniss takes it and reads out loud. Right after the first words Katniss and Peeta start crying and tighten their grip at each other.

Dear Katniss,

I know the day will come when you realize your love for Peeta. I’ve seen it long before but I never told you because I knew to push you into something is not the right way.

I’m sorry I can’t be there for you at your wedding day but I have a present for both of you and I hope you’ll like it.

Don’t think of the worse things that have happened, only think of the good things and of course of your love to Peeta and your common future.

I was always so proud of both of you.

Stop crying now and take a look into the parcel.

Best wishes for your wedding.

Love Cinna



Inside the parcel they find two packets each marked with their name.

Before they can open them Annie grabs Katniss’ arm and directs her out of the room upstairs.

“Annie, no I wanna stay here.” She refuses to go with her.

“You’ll understand come on Katniss, it’s OK.”

Peeta stares after them and then at Finnick who smiles in his inimitable way.

Without another look at his friend Peeta opens the packet and finds a complete wedding outfit with a beige suit, a white shirt, a vest with light embroidery matching the suit, a green tie and even the shoes are there.

 “Wow! I-I don’t know what to say.” Peeta stumbles with tears in his eyes.

Upstairs Annie and Katniss can’t see clear what’s in the parcel because of the tears running down their cheeks.

“Oh Annie, how could he know? Even I didn’t know at that point.” Katniss sobs in her hands.

“That’s not a question, everybody knew it before you realize.” Annie takes her hands and looks her in the eyes. “You remember the sentence in the letter? Stop crying now…. . Let’s get this wonderful gown out of the parcel.”

At the first sight it’s clear that is Cinna’s work. It’s a white sleeveless A-line bridal gown out of satin and tulle with decent embroidery on the top, a matching long sleeve and illusion lace bolero and shoes not to high completes the brides dream.

“That’s wonderful ….. I-I can’t tell what that means to me. Oh Annie I must show this Peeta!” Katniss starts running to the door.

“STOP Katniss!!” Annie shouts. “He’s not supposed to see it before wedding day! He can wait.”

“But I can’t hide anything of him.” Katniss stares at her.

“It’s only one week left. He’ll understand and he can wait I promise. Come on pull it off and I’ll take it with me until wedding day.”

Mockingjay - 4 weeks after Peeta's rescueWhere stories live. Discover now