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Aphmau's p.o.v

I slowly open my eyes again blinking, due to the strong moring sun beating down on me and Aaron's room. I swing my feet over the bed side and get up stretching out my tense limbs yawning from the long peaceful sleep. I slip on some shorts and a shirt along with cute sandals I got yesterday from the shop, running out of all the doors enthusistacly, today I was going to look around the island for cool places me and Aaron could go together but as I finished up that thought...I ran into someone, ''Aphmau, woah I haven't seen you in forever'' he says with a sweet smille. '' oh Kai I didn't expect to see you here'' I said sweetly,  ''but before anything where were you going in such a hurry?''Kai said. ''Oh I'm going to explore the island today would you like to come? We could catch up'' I said really wanting to talk. Kai blushed ever so slighty ''yeah lets go Aph" Kai said as laid back as ever. ''great! lets get going''.

Garroth's p.o.v

I was about to go on a morning run with this new cute, Little bundle of joy oh, whoops sorry, puppy I found he's active so I decided I'd take him or a run this morning, but my run was postponed abruptly..When i saw Aphmau with him, Kai. The first thing that ran through my mind was 'why is he here, Why Is Aph with him!' just then I was inturupted by small nudges to my anckles, which ended my thoughts''oh yeah, I forgot about you sorry pup lets go for that walk it'll help clear my head'' I said with a sigh.

Aphmau's p.o.v

I was walking back to the hotel, enjoying the refreshing air, Kai had to go back to his hotel early because he forgot his phone but still me and Kai went all over half the island and I lost track of time but I couldn't help It, It was just like old times we laughed and talked while he made jokes that were almost too funny if that's a thing. We went out and ate, got the most amazing ice cream, We got balloons! I got an orange one and Kai got purple, funny huh Walking down the beautiful Paradise path down to the hotel, the sun beating down but the air still cool and crisp. I made my way into the hotel with the balloons smilling happily while humming a tune to myself joyfully. I tied the balloons to a seat to be brought with a familiar face, Aaron ''Hey Aaron how are you!''I said happily but to my surprise no response ''Aaron? Are you o-okay?''..No response.

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