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Camila's Pov

Her hands were touching all the right places and I groans in response. She pulled away and looked into my eyes. "Bubbles!" She shouted as she squirted to soap at me as I sighed. "Stop teasing me!" I pouted as she got out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. "We'll I got hungry so ya." She said as I wrapped my self in a towel following her to the room. "Ya whatever! Fuck you." I said as I pulled out underwear a bra a crap too and down high waisted jeans. "When and were cabello?" She asked being the smartass she was. "In the shower I prefer." I joked going back to the scene earlier. "Cute." She joked as she walked out of the closet fully dressed and passed me leaving a soft kiss on my cheek on her way bye. "See you at rehearsals. I'm going to get Starbucks with Dinah for you guys." She said as she stood in the doorway. "Alright sounds good. I said pulling a shirt over my head and picking up the brush slowly stroking it through my hair. "Bye." Lauren smiled as she shut the door. I pushed my hair slightly slow. I jumped when the door flew opened and I looked to see a panting Lauren. "I love you!" She weased in between breathes. "Love u too silly." I said as I got up and placed a soft kiss on her lips saying our goodbyes.

"Turn up turn up!" Dinah shouted as we were just informed we would be preforming independent woman tonight. "So mother fuckin excited!" She yelled as her and Normani held hands skipping around the arena. "We got some weird ones." Ally said. "It's not that there weird, they are just straight up crazy." I answered. "Just like you." Lauren said squeezing my cheeked. "Mrs. Steal yo girl!" Dinah shouted as she pulled me away from Lauren's grasp. "Deeeeeennnnnnnahhhhh!" I whined drawing out her name as she had dragged me in to the chant her and Normani were having. "Yes dawg." She asked laughing as she held my hands and moved my body in crazy ways because I was refusing to dance. I jumped as someone's hands went over my eyes. "Guess who" a Texan accent. "Demi!" I squealed as I turned around and practically jumped into her arms. "Who settled down, that's my girl." I heard a familiar voice a spun around on my heals and saw Selena. "Alright totally fan girl over this Delena moment! But why are you here." I asked. "What a girl can't come to see her favorite six people preform." She asked/ said. "And sense little mix is off the tour, I thought I would join!" She said in a high pitched voice. "Ahhhh!" I squealed as I jumped into her arms. "Alright give dmac some loving!" Dinah said pushing through the crowed of us girls and picked me up in put me into Lauren's open arms as she replaced my empty spot in Selena's arms with her own. "She's mine." Demi said pushing Dinah out of the way and hugging Selena from behind. "There is enough of me to go around guys." She said looking at the pouting Dinah and I. "But it all belongs to me hand off." Demi hissed in a joking manner. "Whoa! dmac, we better backdown, she might just pinch your cheeks." I joked knowing demi is to sweet to hurt anyone. "Ohh my god! I'm rubbing off on you!" Dinah shouted ripping me out of Lauren's arms and into hers. "My whittle baby is growing up!" She pretended to sniffle and whip fake tears."don't worry I'll always be your little baby." I played along nuzzling my nose into her neck. " I miss these moments." Dinah whispered only audible for me to here. We have been distance sense me and Lauren got together but I'm about to change that. "Me too." I said and kissed her cheek as I hopped out of her arms. I looked at her and she smiled sadly. "Is it just me or did our whole mood change?" Normani asked looking at me and Dinah. I just shrugged and hugged her one last time before going back to Lauren. "Alright let's to soundcheck before any fans get here." Demi said as me and the girls went first starting out with miss movin' and then through the rest of the set.

Dinah's Pov

"Hey Cheeche." I waved to camila as she entered my changing room." You ready for tonight's show?" She asked as she sat down next to me in the other makeup chair. "Ya a little nervous but they should go away soon, it's normal to get butterfly's." I said as I shut off my phone giving her all my attention as Our make up artist finish my hair. "Alright let's touch up your eyes and were set." I nodded as the finished me and released me from the chair. "So how are you and Lauren?" I asked noticing their unnormal distance. "Idk I'm just trying not to be clingy because last weekend she was talking to someone and said she hated clingyness." She said and slightly frowned. "Hey, it probably wasn't towards you don't get yourself down." I said rubbing her arm in a friendly manner. "Girls show time!" A producer shouted as me and Dinah walked out collecting our mic's and going into the dark foggy stage and into our starting spots. The lights dimmed and camila started her parts as the music dropped.

"Shout out to our favorite person, Demi Lovato for letting us come on tour with her." Ally said as the fans screamed through out the arena. "We love you all, goodnight!" Camila screamed as we all ran along the length of the stage give high fives to all the fans.

"That was amazing!" Camila exclaimed as we journeyed back to the bus. "Ya really loud though." Ally complained as she plopped down in her bunk. "That's a good thing though." Normani butted in as we all laid in our bunks with our curtians opened. "Goodnight guys love you all." I said as I closed my curtain and picked up my phone. "Love you to!" They all said in except for Lauren, she kept quite all day.

To Bubba<3

Why is your girlfriend being so quite, is she in your bunk with you?

From Bubba<3

No, she's being really quite which means she is hiding something. A relationship is about trust so she shouldn't be hiding stuff.

I heard her sigh loudly as she sent that last text

To Bubba<3

Hey don't worry so much, just go to sleep, maybe she just misses her family.

From Bubba<3

Ya, alright goodnight cheeche! I love you!!!!!:*

From Bubba<3

Love you too. Lol

I rolled over and closed my eyes before praying and then off to sleep under my cozy purple blanket in my Beyoncé T-shirt and sweatpants.

Some of you wanted a smut, but I switched it up a little.

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