Chapter 16

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Camila's Pov

I slowly sat up in the bed notice no warmth besides me. I let out a loud sigh as I got out of my bunk checking my phone noticing it was only 2:30am. I laid back down as thoughts filled me head. I couldn't sleep so I Decided to go to Dinah's bunk she always helps me sleep better when me and Lauren fight. I gracefully jumped of my top bunk landing with a thumb causing ally's bunk to rustle. I slowly went to Dinah's bunk remember that Normani moved into ally's bunk. I crawled under the bunk curtain and slipped under Dinah's blanket. I rolled over wrapping my arms around her waist snuggling into her back. "Mila?" I heard her ask as she rolled over to face me. "What time is it?" She asked facing me with a lazy smile. "Only 2:30 somthing, but I couldn't sleep so yay." I said with a shy smile. "Why are you so shy? We are bestfriends, we are aloud to cuddle." She said head butting me as a joke. "Damn aggressive much?" I asked rubbing my forehead. "Only for you cheeka" she said with a wink trying to be smooth. "That was krusty, If your gunna wink you gotta make it look sexy!" I said try to show her hoe I do it, but failing. "So I'm suppose to close both my eyes?!" She asked laughing making fun of my recent actions. "Shut up! You know I'm not smooth." "Or coordinated." She added In earning a slap on the arm. "If you gunna beat me to death, why don't you just go sleep with your girlfriend?" She asked pushing her Fallin hair off her eyes. "I don't know she's being distant so maybe I should be to." I said with a shrug snuggling into her boobs. "And your boobs are bigger so it's more like a pillow." I said laugh as I moved me face I between her boobs even more. "You are so fucking weird!" She said pulling my head off her boobs and onto her shoulder. " but that's why we're friends" I said with a smile nuzzling my nose to her neck. "Night D" I said hugging her around the waist. "Night bubba." She said kissing my cheek and then closing her eyes.

I reached my hand up to rub my eyes as It got caught in someone's hand. I opened my eyes a screamed at the sight in front of me. Causing Dinah to open our eyes to find us nose to nose lips almost touching.we both pushed each other back causing me to fall of the bunk landing with an echoing bang followed by a cry. "Camz?!" Lauren asked worriedly sticking her head out of her bunk. She jumped off her bunk landing behind my head as she scooped my up. I groaned as I closed my eyes. She laid me in her bunk crawling in behind me so I was against the wall as she rubbed my stomach. "You okay." She asked I shook my head signaling a 'no'. "What hurts?" She asked I pointed to my back as I rolled over. "Do u want me to rub it?" She asked kissing my shoulder. I nodded as she started to rub patterns in it. "I love u too." I said rolling over kissing her softly on the lips. "How did you know I wrote that?" She asked with a smile. "I know how to spell you dummy." I said nuzzling my nose against hers. "Shocker." She said with a smirk. " hey, I'm not the stupid." I said smiling at her. "Sureeeeeee." She said dragging out the word. "Stop!" I shouted pouting. She kissed me softly, no tongue, causing my pout to flip into a smile. I pulled away looking into her eyes. "I miss you." I said "I'm right here silly" she said caressing my cheek. "Physically not mentally." I mumbled against her neck. I heard her sigh. "Ya, I'm sorry for that just so stressed." She said quietly. "Lauren..." I said knowing she was still hiding something "you can tell me anything we are suppose to be trust worthy." I said sitting up be slamming my self back down when pain shot through my back. "Be careful babe." She said rubbing my arm. "It's my mom, she's not doing so we'll." Lauren said letting out a sigh. "Aww babe!" I cooed hugging her tight. "Everything's gunna be alright." I said kissing her hand that was intertwined with mine. "Quoting justin bieber aye?" Lauren said in her best Canadian accent. The words rolled off her lips like it was natural. "We'll that was hot." I said kissing her lightly. "Just like you" she replied kissing me again. "Then were the perfect two." I replied causing her to giggle. "You know everyone thinks your a badass which that side of you is extremely sexy, but soft side Lauren is better." I said rolling fully on top of her. I leaned down just about to connect our lips but then I pulled back alittle to look into her eyes, "you know I love you Lauren, not just like when I would say 'I love you' when we were bestfriends, I actually love love you." I said leaning down planting a soft yet some what ruff kiss on her lips. Our lips locked tightly together as she applied the right amount of suction causing me to moan in response. Her hand reached up to caress my cheek. I pulled away panting as I laid down on top of her my face squishing in between her boobs. "Comfy?" She asked kissing my head. I nodded and then Lauren teasing me in the shower came back to my head I smirked as I bit down on her boob causing her to gasp. "C-camz" she half moan/said. "You should sleep in your bra more often." I said smirking not looking up at her. I went to I club her bra when her hands stopped me, "camz no, if we start I won't stop." Lauren warned. "Why would we stop?" I asked kissing the top of her boob wear I bit her. "Because the girls are her and it's our only day off so how about we do something useful today?" She said trying to get up but was trapped in my grip as I but her boob again. "Having sex with me isn't worth stay?!" I whispered knowing the girls were still sleeping. "It is worth it but I wanna go to Starbucks with y-" because she could finish her sentence I licked her cleavage causing her to gasp. I place my lips on it putting a lot more suction. "Camz" she moan her hands running up and down my back. "Yes babe?" I asked smirking against her boobs. Before she could answere I sucked on her cleavage again sticking my tongue out very little as she squirmed. I lifted my head to sea a bruise starting to form. I looked into her eyes kissing her boob before leaving wet kisses up to her neck and then to her ear lob. "Just marking my territory." I whispered into her ear bitting it softly and licking back to her jaw to her lips when she but my tongue. "Ouch!" I whined and she giggled. "That's for being a tease." She said as I stuck my tongue out to look at it. "Is I bleeding?" I asked putting my tongue in front of her face. "Hmm let's see.." She said as she got close and kissed my tongue causing my nose to scrunch. "You're weird girl." I said putting my tongue back in my mouth. "Whatever." She said sticking out her tongue at me pulling it back in as i caught it between my teeth licking the tip that was caught between my teeth then sucking on it before letting go. "Ya and I'm weird." She said rolling her eyes. "That's was hot!" I heard Dinah's voice shout as I rolled off Lauren to see Dinah peeking through the bottom of my curtain. "Go away!" I shouted as she smirked and winked at me. "Get it mila." "The only thing I'm getting is some good pu-" before I could finish Lauren slapped her hand over my mouth. "Getting what?" Ally asked as our curtain was fully open now. "Pumpkin pie drink, that's what I'm getting from Starbucks." I said blushing as I hid my face in the crook of Lauren's neck. "Mhmmmm sure thing." Normani said smirking as she dragged Dinah out into the kitchen of the bus.

Lauren's Pov

"Mhmm" camila moaned loudly. "Camz we are in public, the drunk maybe good but people are gunna think I'm fingering you." I said looking around at the people staring at us. "Maybe you should be." She said smirking. "Camila Cabello!" I yelled a little to loud causing heads to turn. "Come on!were leaving." I said dragging her out of the chair accidentally running into a guy. "Sorry sir, she's a little eger." Camila said winking at me. As I violently yanked her out of the shop and into the car. "I swear to god if you don't stop no sex for a month." I said starting the car and driving off. "We haven't even had gone all the way yet, feeling each other up is not 'sex'" she said putting her hand on my thigh. "Same thing." I said tensing as her hand went higher. "Not the same amount of pleasure." She answered nibbling at my ear. "I'm going to crash if you don't stop!" I warned removing her hand from my thigh. "So Saturday we will be staying in my house sense we will be in Miami so I was thinking..." She said as I cut her off "yes Saturday I will have sex with you." I said causing her to giggle "I wasn't going to ask that but I'll take that offer." She said smirking causing my cheeks to turn pink. "Oh...uhh..." I stammered as I pulled up to tour bus giving management there keys and running inside trying not to trip as the sun was just setting. "Hey Lauren." Normani waved from the couch were her and Dinah snuggled up watching finding nemo. I waved and sat in the one person couch chair. "Finding nemo!" Camila screeched as she jumped into my lap and sat up straight as she focused on the movie. "What time is it?" I asked Dinah "8:30pm" she answered. "Shut up!" Camila whined trying to hear the tv. " put a sock in it." Dinah yelled a camila as her and Normani laughed. "Can't fit, already got Lauren's fingers." She said smirking as she let out a pretend moan. "Ohh gawd!" Normani shouted covering Dinah's ears. "We still have pg 16 ears!" She joked. "Hey camila is 16 too!" She whined. "Seventeen in like two weeks." Camila said with a smirk. "Now where were we?" Camila asked turning towards me straddling me. " camila, she don't have a dick stop ridding her!" DinAh yelled laughing. "Dinah you just peed!" Normani said throwing Dinah off her. "Ohh my gawd!" Lauren yelled baring her head into my chest while laughing. "It's a Hansen trait." Dinah shrugged as she ran to her bunk.

"Babe?" I heard Lauren ask as I was being shook. "Yes lo?" I said eyes still closed. "Ready for bed?" She asked I nodded my head as she lifted me off the couch and carried me to the bunk "yours or mine?" She asked looking back and forth at our bunks. "Yours, it smells like you." I said looking up at her smiling. She placed me in bed and got in and spooned me from behind. "Night love." She said kissing my shoulder. "Night lo." I said turning around putting my head on her chest. "Night lo jr. And lo jr. Jr." I said kissing her boobs. "Your a freak." She said kidding my head. "Love u though."she said lifting my head up with her finger kissing my firmly on the lips. "Love u to." I said snuggling back against her chest shutting my eyes and she drew patterns onto my lower back.

Sorry it took awhile to update, I couldn't think of anything, any ideas??

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