Chapter 18

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Lauren's Pov

I was woken by a sudden grunt. "Lo" I hear Bea whine as I opened my eyes a put my chin to my chest to look at Bea. "You okay?" I asked rubbing her back lightly. She shook her head, her arms under my back as I lay on them. "Do You get car sick?" I asked as she grunted again squeezing my back as she snuggled her head closer to my chest. She quickly shot up off of me jumping over camz sprinting to the bathroom. I quickly hurried behind her opening the bathroom door to find Bea bent of the toilet, arm Against the back of toilet and her forehead rested on her arm as her face hung over the toilet seat. "How you feeling?" I asked rubbing her back as I held her shoulder length hair. I squeezed my eyes closed as she threw up again followed by a quiet sob. I flushed the toilet as she whipped her mouth with her sleeve. Sitting up straight she let out another sob as I scooped her, her legs wrapped around my waist, head on my shoulder. She cried quietly. "Shhh baby, it's okay." I said as I sat out the couch rubbing her back in circles. "You should feel better soon." I said as I held her in a tight hug. "I hope" she mumbled into my shoulder. "Lo?" I heard camila call. "On the couch." I called back as she walked out in her pajamas as I giggled watching her rub her eyes. "Good morning babe." She said walking over kissing me as she looked down at Bea raising an eyebrow. "She's sick." I simply answered as camila bent down. And place a general kiss on Bea's forehead. "She's warm." Camila said she looked worriedly at me. I shrugged snuggling closer to Bea. "Everyone up! Vocal time!" Paul shouted as he opened the tour bus door. "Wanna go lay with sel and demi?" I asked standing up with her bridal style in my arm. She nodded wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Um and ya so maybe we should get her checked out if she's not better later." I said as I just got done explaining what went on. "Ya, whatever it is, it sounds not fun to have." Selena said as I place Bea Into her bunk, walking to the door. "Love you lo." Bea mumbled. "Love you too Bea." I said as I walked out of Demi's bus into the arena my hair still in a messy pony tail, leggings on and a sweater. "Hey sexy, hair and make up is waiting." Camila said walking by smacking my ass causing my to giggle. "No proper good morning kiss?" I asked as she smile walking back over to me kissing me with lust and passion before pulling away, "now get your sexy ass ready for vocal training." She said as she walked away. I smiled as I sat into the chair watching Alexis slowly apply my make up.

Dinah's Pov

"Let's go to the beach beach" Selena sang along to the radio causing me to laugh. "They say what they gunna say?" Demi sang back but failed by singing the wrong lyric. "Incorrect!" Selena said pretending to hit a fake button making a buzzer sound. "You are so weird!" Ally said earning a glare from Selena. "Still cute though." She said flipping her hair and walked away sassily. "Damn lovato, you gotta sassy ass one." I said as Selena exited the dressing room."I kno-" "Demetria!" Selena sang earning a groan from Demi. "Number one, never, I really mean never call me Demetria!" Demi scolded. "Number two, have patients, I was talking to Dinah!" Demi scolded again causing selena to pout. "I'm sorry." She said before walking out. "She is so cute it's sickening." Demi mumbled before following after Selena. "Gawd am I the only straight one here?!" Ally asked looking around at camren sleeping together on the couch. "Mani is still straight." I said laughing as she began to pray. "You can't pray the gay away." I laughed causing her to laugh. "Darn, worth a try." She said laughing. "Speaking of which, when are you gunna see camren next?" She asked as we held out hot chocolate close to our body's. "When ever we go to LA I guess." I answered with a shrug. "Ohh that's nice, I swear these fans in here in Michigan are crazy."ally said. "Ya, best audience yet." I agreed laughing lightly. "But it's really nice seeing fans this supportive, I went to Starbucks and gave a couples fans hugs and they all we're in tears, it kinda makes me feel bad for making them cry." I said chuckling lightly, replaying the scene in my head. "Don't feel bad, their just proud." Ally said setting her cup down as Selena re-entered. "Mmmkkkk so you little hoes want food?" She asked earning a slap from Demi who followed close behind. "Selena!" Demi scolded. "Sorry." She said with puppy dog eyes. "Aww dawg you can't be mad at her when she does that!" I said as demi bent down and planted a kiss on Selena's lips. "Hey guys!" Bea said walking into the dressing room. "Feeling better?" Lauren asked as Bea nodded her head. I laughed lightly as I watched her walk over to camila and Lauren snuggled on the couch and lay herself ontop of them. "Bea want snuggles to!" Bea scoffed causing as all to laugh. "We'll Bea can't have lolo snuggles!" Camila said pushing Bea off as she feel to the floor and laid there with puppy dog eyes. "Aw camz don't be like that." Lauren said looking over Camila's shoulder at Bea. "Come here Bea." Lauren said as she pushed camila off the couch but Bea still didn't move. "No your mean." She pouted. "Don't be like that!" Lauren said laughing. "Nice to know you care about your girlfriend!" Camila joked giggling. I watched Lauren get off the couch and jump ontop of Bea tickling her causing a giggle fit to erupt from her mouth. "Lo!" She screeched trying to get out of her grip. "Let me go!" "Never!" Lauren yelled back continuing to tickle the child. "Camila!" She screeched try to get Lauren off of her as camila ran and tackled Lauren off. "Be nice to the child." Camila said as she straddled Lauren and had her hands on both sides of her head. The both leaned in noses touching but pulled back when Bea interrupted them. "Like this kissy kissy stuff isn't gunna happen yet, we still have one problem." She said smiling at a annoyed Lauren. "What?!" Lauren scoffed trying to kiss camila but camila was denying her as she giggled. "We'll damn, I'll just move into Dinah's bunk!" Bea said getting off the floor walking over to me and ally and laid herself ontop of Me as I wrapped her arms around her body. "Give me my child back!" Lauren jokes kissing camila and then getting off the floor. "No, you aren't my parents, I don't have any." Bea said causing us all the get confused besides Demi and I . "What?" Lauren asked as Bea buried herself deeper into My chest. "They disowned me, that's why I'm here." She mumbled very lightly into My shirt. As she grabbed a fist full and began to sob loudly. I looked around with pleading eyes not knowing what to do with the crying child. Lauren walked up scoping her into her arms and walking out to the tour bus.

Lauren's pov

I watch Bea slowly as she slept peacefully on my chest and her dried tear marks still showing. I sighed loudly rubbing her back as all these members came to my mind.
Like that time when me and came got mobbed by fans here in Michigan.


I giggled lightly watching camila roll around In the snow. "It's so fluffy!" She screeched quoting despicable me. "Shh! Camila your gunna get the fans to notice us!" I scolded as she put her hands over her eyes and whined. " I hate that sound!" She pouted as our silence was broke by screaming teens. "Ohh gawd!" Camila yelled getting off the ground and sprinting away as she dragged me by my hand we turned the corner looking for somewhere to hide. I saw and bathroom sign and I dragged her into the family size bathroom and locked the door. I turned around to come face to face with camila noses touching. We were both leaning in and I tried to stop but it was like a magnet forcing us together. Our lips were like a centimeter away and when I leaned in my phone rang causing us to jump back in fright. I looked back up at her awkwardly of the moment we just had getting lost in her eyes. "Lo, your phone." She said. "Ohh ya uhh ya." I stuttered as she giggled. It's like music to my ears to here her laugh. My thoughts we're inturupted by a shouting simon. "I need you guys back at Xfactor mansion right now! There is a huge mob." He yelled into my ear causing me to pull my phone back and put it on speaker phone. "Umm ya about that...umm we are currently hiding in a bathroom to get away from screaming girls." Camila said giggling.

***End of flashback*****

I smiled lightly at the memory. I don't even know what I would do if these girls weren't in my life. I rolled over picking up my phone looking at the clock. 11:30pm. I slid out of my bunk when rustling startled me. I crept into the kitchen to find camila eating cereal I walked up behind her and covered her eyes causing her to screech. I giggled lightly "ohh hey lo!" She said turning around hugging me. "Hey camz." I said smiling as I sat in the chair besides her. " so Bea had a ruff day huh." She said looking at me. I nodded yawning. "Are you coming to bed?" I asked standing up. She hummed in response putting her bowl in the sink walking back over to me as I snugged my arm around her waist. " let's lay in your bunk." I said pushing her away from mine were Bea slept peacefully. "Mmmkkkk." She answered rubbing her eyes as she slipt into the bunk and I did after her. "Night camz." I said kissing her forehead as she snuggled close to me. "Night lo love you." She mumbled. "Love you to camz." I said closing my eyes.

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