Chatper 11

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Camilas pov

"Alright Dinah I think your done now" I said as I turned off the curling iron. "Do I look cute?" She asked as she fixed her hair in the mirror. " you look adorable." I said while pinching her cheecks. "Just because I'm younger then you doesn't mean you can treat me like a baby!" She pouted as she turned towards me. "Aww is whittle baby upset?" I asked as I kissed her cheek. "Mmmff" Lauren grumbled as she leaned against the trim of the door and watched the cute sence unfold in front of her eyes. "Hey miss grummby she's my best friend I'm aloud to kiss her on the cheek to you know." I stated as I played with Dinah's fresh new curls. "I know I know" Lauren pouted causing Dinah to giggle. "Anyway we're not even official yet so I could just go find a new girl if you wanna be jealous like that." I said and tapped her on the head as I walked out. "Then maybe that's what you should do." She shouted as she sprinted down the hall and stopped infront of me."hi I'm Kayla nice to meet you." She said and stuck her hand out to greet mine. "I heard you were looking for a new girl." She said as she kissed my hand. "Ohh shut up Lauren." I giggled as I pushed her away. "Hey in one hour meet me outside alright." She said looking me in the eyes. "Alright Romeo." I said as kissed her and walked down the hall to the kitchen. "Hi!" Normani said brightly as I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. "Hey" I said as I poured a cup and went to walk out. I spun around on my heals when it came to me. "When did you get off your crutches!" I asked as I watched her stand with both feet full footed on the ground. "Two days befor Christmas." She said as she sipped on her coffee. "Ohh I didn't even notice!" I said as sat down next to her. "So how see you and Lauren?" She asked. "Good I guess I mean we have had a thing for like two months now and we're not official yet and we haven't gone on any dates." I said as she just hummed in response. "But, tonight she asked me to come outside and meet her later." I said brightly as Dinah walked into the kitchen. "How do I look!" She asked as she grabbed her purse and flung it over her shoulder. "You look good!" Normani beemed practically drooling over her." I want this to be the perfect first date." She said as she opened the front door."bye guys be back later." She said and waved to us and walked out shutting the door behind her. I looked at Normani and have her a smirk. "What?" She asked I just wiggled my eyebrows and left her there thinking. I went to my and Lauren's bed room to find down thing to wear tonight. "Hey beautiful." She said as she sat up in the bed."hi" I shouted as I rambled through close in my closet. "We're are we going tonight?" I asked as I looked frantically for my 'pink' purple sweatpants. "Just for a walk around town." She said as she stared at the closet trying to find me. "What if paps see us?" I asked nervously as I slipt into my pants. "Babe please come out of the closet" she said. "I will I'm just not ready yet." I sighed. "No I mean come out of the closer so we can snuggle!" She said and giggled. I slipped into my shirt and sprinted out of the closet and jumped ontop of her. "We'll hello there." She said smiling. "By the way i am not getting dressed up! This is what I'm wearing." I said pointing to the outfit I had on. She let out a light chuckle that made my stomachs churn. I smiled and leaned down to plant a small kiss onto her lips. I pulled up and Laid next to her. "I wounder how Dinah's date is going." I said as I snuggled into her side. "She's Dinah she can turn a straight girl to a gay girl in a matter of pretty sure she can get a girl back,let alone one of hour fans." She said and kissed my temple. "Good point." I said as drew circles into her toned stomach. "What are you doing" she asked as I sat up. I smirked and leaned down and blew onto her stomache as if she was a baby. "Camz stop!" She laughed as she pushed me off. "Aww is baby lolo ticklish?" I said as I smirked she nodded speedily and I payed down next to her.

Lauren's pov

Camz and I had just started our way home after our walk. I looked down at her as she scooted super close to me and wrapped her arms around my stomache."is everything alight?" I asked as I stopped walking as we reached the front porch. "Yay just what about the time I got kidnapped." She said putting air quotations around kidnapped. "What about it camz?" I said as I hugged her. "Do you think he is still out there?watching me" She asked as she looked up at me with her big brown eyes. "Probably no-" I was cut off by the ding of her phone she had at text message that read 'I'm always watching you,closer then you think.' Her eyes grew wide as she dropped her phone and sprinted inside.i grabbed her phone and ran inside locking the door behind me. "Hey!" Normani said brightly as she walked up the stairs to her room. "We're camz?" I asked as she rubbed her eyes and pointed to my room. I gave her a thumbs up and walked into the room. "I'm gunna die!" She said as she held her knees to her chest and rocked back and forth. I sat down besides her and hugged her. "I'm gunna die,I'm gunna die." She kept repeating. I lifted her chin and put my lips on hers and kissed her softly. I then pulled away and kissed her nose. "You will not be Dying anytime soon" I said as kissed her one more time. "Come on" I said as I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Why are we in the closet?" She asked as I flipped on the lights. She just starred in awh. "What is this!" She asked as she let her eyes linger from the Christmas lights perfectly lined up and draped from the walls,to the rose that sat in a case ontop of a blanket that was place on the ground. "Did you do all this?" She asked as she looked at my smiling with her big brown eyes sparkling. "No Normani cleaned out the close and hung all this up while we were out." I said as I sat down on the blanket pulling her into my lap."so I have a question to ask." I said as I looked down at her smiling "ask away" she said playing with my fingers. "Will you,Karla camila cabello be my girlfriend?" I asked smiling at her as she looked up at me "I..ughhh I can't, I'm sorry lauren."

DIinahs pov

"So we're here together in the park." I said awkwardly as I twisted my vans acrossed the cement. "Yes we are." Camren giggle as she pulled my hand and lead me to the swings. "So how have you been?" She asked. " bored like really bored." I said as I dropped her hand and pick up sand of the ground. "Your in a famous girlband how do you get bored." She asked me as she picked my hand up again. "We'll camila and Lauren all always together,Normani and ally are always shopping and I don't like shopping so I just sleep and go on twitter." I said as I played with the chain on the swing with my free hand. "So I just wanna apologize for they way I acted I hope we can go back to being friends." She said smiling at me. "Or more" I mumbled nearly audible. "I planned on us stay and watching the stars but I'm freezing so maybe we can hang some other time."she said as she got of the swing a offered me a hand to help me up wich I received."or you could come over and watch a movie." I suggested as we walk down the path to the parking lot. "Yay that would be fun!" She beamed as she walked to her car and opened the passenger seat door."we'll thank you." I said as I got into the car and she got in and started the car.

"Alright everyone shut the fuck up and sit down." I shouted as I put in the conjuring and sat down next to Cam. It was ally and Normani in the recliner chair and Camren snuggled together on the love seat and then me and cam on the couch. I watched as camila climbed ontop of Lauren's hidding her face from the view of the tv. I chuckled to my self to find a sleeping Normani and ally tangled together. I looked down at cam who had her arms draped around me and her face digging into my chest as she shivered. "You okay?" I whispered to her she just nodded her head. "Alright bedtime everyone." I said and shut of the tv. "Thank The Lord!" Camila shouted as she jumped out of Lauren's hands and sprinted to the bedroom. "See what I have to deal with!" She said as she ran up the stairs behind her. "Alright come on cammy time for bed!" I beamed as I scooped her up into my arms. If I fall down the stairs it's all your fault!" I said as I stomped my way up the stairs successfully making it to the top and into my bedroom. I dropped her violently onto the bed and walked into my closet coming out with to pairs of sweatpants and two long tshirt. "Here." I said and tost them too her. She stripped leaving her in her underwear and bra as she pulled the tshirt over head and got into bed.
"Come here now and cuddle so we can go to bed." She ordered as I broke into laughter " no no no nooo" I sang to her as I laid down on the cold floor. "Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground!ohhhh" I sang as she began a giggle fit. "Just kidding it's cold watch out here comes Dinah!" I yelled as I jumped into the bed and landed ontop of her. "Get off you fatass." She joked as I shook my head. "Nahh homie this is comfy imma stay like did." I said try to act ganster. "Fine with me then." She said as she lifted her head up to connect our lips. She instantly pulled back when she relised what she did. "Uhh sor-" I cut her off by pushing my lips lightly against hers. " goodnight." I said as I rolled off of her a turned of my lamp. "Night" she answered as she snuggled into my side.i soon was taken into dream land in the arms of a beautiful.

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