Chapter Thirteen

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I laid in my bed for the next five days.

Skipping school was big for me. I never did it unless I was sick or really, really tired of the bullies that specific day. Regardless, I had missed five days.

This was going to totally kill my grades.

Agitha and Link called, and texted me, numerous times throughout the day. Even Midna began checking on me as she realized I had been missing school. After we visited Hyrule, I hadn't been able to think straight. What good is it to go to school if you can't think straight?

Plus, I couldn't even look at Agitha.

I had to stay away from her.

This was the only way to protect her. My lovable, cute and hilarious friend Agitha.

I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I laid in bed each day, completely monotone. I never texted Link, Agitha or Midna. I never answered their calls or called them back. I didn't dare invite Link or Agitha over.

I felt as if I was slowly killing myself. I hardly ate. Link would always text me and ask me if he needed him to cook me some food, or to bring anything over. I never even replied, and I felt horrible for doing so.

I just wanted to be left alone.

Was I really going to be the reason why my best friend would perish?

I hate seeing Agitha cry. I hate being away from her so long. I just couldn't handle seeing her. If I stayed away from her, until this fight was over, then she would most definitely survive.

Ring, ring, ring.

Yet another call from Link.

I rolled onto the other side of my bed, groaning. He left a message, and I heard his voice again for at least the twenty-fifth time this week.

Yet, he sounded different.

"Zelda, please," he began after my phone beeped. "I miss talking to you. Can I come and visit? I would really like to have a conversation with you." He paused, and a soft laugh escaped from him. I slowly rolled my head to the side, eyeing my phone. "I know you don't want to talk to, or see anyone..." I heard him sigh. "I just really want to talk to you. I hope you give it some thought. Let me know as soon as you can..." He paused again, and he seemed like he was about to say something else, when he stopped himself. "Just, please... I want to see you again."


He hung up.

I lifted my arm over to my bedside drawer. I picked my phone up, hoping I wouldn't drop it. My fingers gently wrapped around my phone, and I pulled it over to my body. I quickly called Link back, hoping he would pick up.

"Zelda?" He asked, unsure if it was really me or not.

I smiled softly. "Yes," I said hoarsely. I coughed. "It's me."

I could tell Link was grinning. "Do you mind if I come over to check on you? And, I mean, I just want to say hi, too."

I laughed quietly. "I guess that would be a good idea."

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