Chapter Thirty-Three

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Ganon slowly walked into the room, staring down the four of us. His eyes flared red as he balled his fists.

"So, you finally came," he growled.

Link stepped in front of me, thrusting his left arm out to his side. The Master Sword materialized in the palm of his hand. "We came to rescue Zelda," he smirked, "and not even you can stop us from doing so."

Agitha stepped out beside Link, guarding my left side. "Yeah, you overly-tanned jerk! We're taking Zelda back home, and you won't stop us!"

Midna laughed, stepping up to my right side. "Nice way to put it, Agitha." She folded her arms, leaning to her left side. "I agree completely."

I smiled. "You guys..."

Agitha faced me for a second, flashing me a quick smile. "We'll protect you, Zellie!"

What can I do to help? I thought to myself, my heart beat speeding up. I need to help, but I don't know how...

Then, it hit me.


Ganon used an invisible force to lift Agitha, Link and Midna off of their feet. He seemed to have been choking them. Agitha gasped for air, kicking her legs in midair. Ganon smiled, looking at me, waving his right hand at me. He summoned a small ball of fire, throwing it straight at my body.

"Zelda...!" Link forced, gritting his teeth. I was flung back against the wall, immense heat covering my body. Link grunted, throwing his sword at Ganon. The sword chipped at Ganon's arm, and he let out a loud roar. Blood dripped from his wounded forearm, and I smirked.

"Not so tough now, eh, Ganon?" I laughed, summoning my silver sword in my hands. I lunged at him with all of my strength, hoping to land a hit on him. My sword sliced through his left side, blood beginning to ooze as soon as my sword made contact with his skin.

Ganon laughed wildly, watching as I began to back away. "You think that hurt?" He smiled horridly, holding out his left hand. A long, gold and black sword materialized in his hand. "If you think that hurt, you'll be damned to hell before you can even cry for help."

He swung his sword at me, and I jumped back just in time. Ganon threw my friends against the wall, and they all shrieked in pain. I quickly cut the bottom half of my white dress, hoping to be able to move faster if it was shorter.

This sword won't be enough, I thought, clasping the sword in my right hand tighter. I need something stronger... But what?!

Link stood up, obviously unaffected from Ganon's attack on him from earlier. Midna struggled to stand, when Agitha couldn't stand at all. Link picked up his sword that laid on the floor, pointing it at Ganon. "You lay your hands off of her, y'hear?!"

Ganon looked towards Link, cackling. "I dare you to stop me."

Before I could even let out a gasp, Ganon had his hand around my throat in a fraction of a second.

"Zelda!" Agitha screamed, pushing her back against the wall in attempts to stand. "Get your filthy hands off of her, you dirtbag!"

Ganon only held his hand around my throat. I was surprised he hadn't begun choking me. My eyes widened as I saw the golden glow around us. I began to claw at his hand. "Let me go!" I cried, but as soon as I began to resist, he began to squeeze. I coughed, gasping for air. Ganon slowly let go of my throat, enabling me to breathe once again.

Link ran up to us. "Let her go, you bastard! I won't let this happen again!"

Before I could move over to Link, Ganon grabbed a handful of my hair, ripping me back over to his side. Link, Agitha, and Midna became sparkly and blurry. I knew what was happening.

I punched Ganon in his stomach. "Let me go, you freak!"

Ganon coughed, surprised at what I had just done. I pushed myself away from him, watching as he disappeared from the room. He had tried to take me away from my friends again.

But I wasn't going to let that happen.

I smiled to myself.

Nice going, Zelda!

No, it was all because of you, Zelda!

Great job, Zelda!

I laughed at myself. I couldn't believe I was cheering for myself inside of my own head. I smiled, turning around to face my friends.

"You guys, let's go and-"

My mouth fell agape, and my eyes widened.

I fell to my knees.

I was kneeling right in front of Hyrule Castle.


Okay so this is actually an extremely short chapter and I totally know that, it's just I wanted to upload, and also I wanted a cliffhanger :))

If you couldn't tell, Ganon was trying to take Zelda back into the future, but she got away from him. His magic didn't take her into the future, rather, to the surface of his underground hideout, which was Hyrule Castle.

lol this was a terrible cliffhanger but oh whale i hope you guys enjoyed <3

PS IM GOING CAMPING FOR FOUR DAYS NEXT WEEK AHAHA lmao kms bUUUUT it will give me ample time to write if I get bored, so expect some new chapters :)

on a side note
I keep getting myself sidetracked
I am working on a cutsey lil one shot of, (use your best guess)
and i don't want it to seem like im not working on this story or my new story, Money Maker, so I don't know whether or not to upload it. What do you guys think? I could actually just upload it later tonight if you guys wanted.

Wow this author's note is like 1/8 of this chapter jfc

anyway I'll spare you all thank you for reading!! <3

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