Chapter Twenty One

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After leaving Hyrule Castle Town, Link and I experienced something strange: our bodies had become lighter.

"I bet our magic supply is running low," Link said, picking up his pace.

I nodded, jogging after him. "You're right. We better hurry."

Link and I ran around Hyrule Field, searching for a forest; any forest, in fact, that seemed different.

"Someone mentioned a village..." Link brought up as we ran across the field. "I believe it was a guard at the Fortress..."

"A village?" I asked, looking around. "I don't see a village."

Link chuckled. "You're right. That's because the village is guarded by a forest full of rabid monsters."

I stopped running, my eyes wide. "That doesn't sound like a very nice village, then!"

Link laughed. "Don't worry; there's a strong gate that protects the village from the monsters."

I squinted my eyes. "And how exactly do you know all of this?"

Link tapped the side of his head. "Guess my memories of the distant past are returning."

I stomped my foot. "I wish I could remember! This is my kingdom, after all!"

Link laughed, looking up at the sky. "You're right! But for now, let's head into the forest that guards the village I spoke of." He shivered. "I feel like it'll be dangerous... But we have to try!"

I smiled. "You're the hero, so I guess I'll have to go along with what you say."

Link winked at me, holding out his hand in the air. Since I was shorter than him, I had to jump up to hit Link's hand.

The grass tickled my feet as I continued to run across the field besides Link. The bright yellow sun shone down on us, the heat warming my skin. My brown hair was finally let free, and it blew restlessly in the breeze. My heart pounded faster with each leap I took across the field. I began to giggle, feeling happier than any time in the past week. I smiled, looking to the sky.

It's like my foot cramped up when it bit me.

I screamed, falling to the ground. My ankle seemed to have been enveloped in something, and I could feel it moving up my right leg. My breathing became heavy and uneven. I looked down at my leg, crying out in pain as I watched it gnaw on my leg.

"Link!" I cried out. Link turned around, quickly running back over to me.

I focused my magic, and screamed. "Din! Lend me your power!" My hands felt like they were touching the sun. I cried out again, feeling a blast of heat leave my hands.

The strange, plant-like creature shriveled up as soon as the fire came near it. It squealed as if crying out in pain. A puff of grey smoke emitted from where it laid, and its name came to my mind.

"A deku baba," I mumbled, looking at the ground, completely oblivious to my bloody leg.

"You killed it!" Link smiled. He looked down at my leg, instantly wrapping his arms around my body. He lifted me up, his right arm under my legs and his left around my back.

My leg was gushing blood now; at an alarming rate. Link probably had no idea what to do, or where to go.

He just ran.

My face shriveled into a scowl. "It hurts!" I screamed, gripping my thigh. My shrieks echoed throughout the field.

Link's eyes suddenly went vacant. I looked up at him, frightened he was hurt.

"Link? Link?" I repeated, trying to snap him out of this trance.

Link just simply shook his head, and continued running. "I remember," he said simply.

There was a small opening near a forest south of Hyrule. Link ran into it, trees beginning to block out the sun more and more as we trekked deeper into the woods. The smell of oak was in the air, and my eyes suddenly became droopy. I felt like I was going to loose consciousness from my loss of so much blood.

"Link...?" I mumbled, shutting my eyes. "I... Don't feel good..."

Link grunted, jumping over a tree stump. "I know, and it'll all be okay, I promise," he told me.

I forced my eyes open, looking at where we were. There was a cave directly in front of us.

And Link ran right into it.

My eyelids shut without warning, and everything went black.


OMG THIS IS LIKE THE SHORTEST CHAPTER EVER but I haven't updated in forever but I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AHHHH we are almost at 2.5K reads!!! That's amazing! Thank you all so much! I have been really busy lately so I haven't uploaded in like two weeks or something :( but now I'm back and you can expect a lot of chapters after tonight!! Be ready to read! ❤️

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