Chapter 4

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Ugh, I still sick. Its been like 2 weeks or something. I hate it. I have something, forgot the name. But its not deadly, yay.

Tom pov~
   Edd and Matt are so annoying when it comes to something serious. The cops finally left after I told them who Vivian was and what she did. I went to the fridge and grabbed some smirnoff. I went into the living room and I guess Edd and Matt went back to there places because they weren't there. I sat on the couch and started drinking.
   After a bit there was a knock at the door. I groaned and got up. I shuffled over to the door and opened it. Two guys stood there. One was kinda tall with big eyebrows and the other was also pretty tall and had long hair. "Hello, are you Thomas?" Eyebrows asked. "...yeah? What do you want?" I said. "We want Tord." The other one said. "Why do you want Tord?" I asked. "He needs to come with us." I stood there, debating if I should tell them or not. "He's not home right now." I said. "Where is he?" Eyebrows asked. I thought, 'Should I tell them? I don't know.' "He's at the store." I said. "Thanks Thomas." The taller one said and they left.
Tord pov~
   I woke up in a bed with a machine connected to me. "Ugh... What happened?" I asked myself. "Tord!" I heard someone say. I looked around but my vision was blurred. "Huh?" Is all I said. I was then pulled into a hug. "Thank god your alright!" The person said. My vision cleared up and I saw Edd. "Oh... Hi Edd. What are you doing?" I asked. He pulled away. "I came to see if you where ok! Tom seemed to be worried so I came down to see if you where any better so I could tell him." I sat their and ran what Edd had said through my head. 'He was worried?' I though.
   Edd snapped his fingers and I jumped. "Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something." "I can tell, your face got a bit red there Tord." He teased. I looked to the side. "Do you like Tom?" He asked. I felt my face get warmer. "You do! Don't you!?" He said laughing. "Shut up, Edd!" I yelled. "Not until you tell me!" He said, jumping up and down a bit. I hesitated, then nodded. He started to freak out. "That's so cute Tord! You two go great together!" He yelled happily. "You can't tell him! If you do, I'll kill you!" I said. "Ok. Ok, but still!" He laughed.
    "I'm going to tell Matt!" He said as he darted out of the room. Great. This is great, just fucking great. A knock came at the door. "Come in." I said. I could still feel my face burning up. The door opened and walked in Tom. I froze, I didn't know what to do. "Hey Commie, you doing any better?" He asked. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I turned away from him. "Not gonna say anything? Well... I saw Edd run out of here and he looked happy. He told me you where getting better. So.. I guess that's good." He said. I just sat there, 'he really did care." I thought. "Well, I'm just gonna... Go, cy-" "Can you stay." I cut him off. "Um... Sure." He said and sat in the chair by my bed.

Cliff hanger! Haha! I'm done with this chapter. I wrote this in less then 30 minutes so, I hope its good! Bye bye fishes! Shark out!

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