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What is a dream?
Just a reality in what we wish could happen
Or is it a reality of the future being seen
No one really knows the meaning of dream

Like this life is created like its been weaved
Going in and out and up and down
Never touching the sky or hitting the ground
The dreams are heavy and filled with loud sounds

My dreams become nightmares when I don't talk to you.
They leave me awake and frightened
But that's not new.

I want to hear your voice
Because it comforts me
It makes me feel safe
In my home that's not safe

It's my escape the one that I need
Trying to run from the demons that want to feed
I'm sitting inside waiting to be freed

I miss you and I love you
That's all I can say
Dreaming and hoping that you will just stay

I cry every night just from the fright
That I won't wake up
and I won't see the light
When the dreams become a plane getting ready for flight

My dreams become nightmares
They come in black and blue
When I wake up I want it to be through
I hope that my nightmares will never become true.

And I cannot sleep alone
Because this home isn't a home.

Poems from a loving soulWhere stories live. Discover now