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"You need to get up and get out of the house." Heather pull the sheets from off me. I pulled it back and wrapped up in it some more.

"You can't shut the world out Nathan!" She yelled pulling the sheets harder. She success this time and she toss it for away so if I want it I have to get up.

"You see what the world is doing to me I hate it."

"You can't hate the world you dick." She slapped me.

"I don't hate the world I only hate two persons within it." My mom and Joel "maybe three." Because now I hate myself.

"Get up." She kneels on the bed shoving me in the opposite direction. I roll and roll until I feel on the ground.

"Are you trying to kill me woman." I asked as I rub my arms.

"I'm trying to get you out of the house." She smiled at me folding her arms. "I'm giving you five minutes to get ready!" She yelled at me.

"Five minutes is not enough."

"Make it work!" She yelled again walking out. She's going to deaf me.

I take a quick bath and got dress because I cannot handle the warth​ of Heather today.

"So what now?" I asked her as I reach the living room.

"Your going to give me a massage." She laughs, lying flat on the coach.

"You got to be kidding me!" I laughed.

"Yea I'm joking." She jumps up. Pfff. "You are going back to work."

"Nope. Infact I'm going to quit." I told her. I just don't want to be around my mom anymore.

"You can't quit. I will be out of a job!" She yelled pushing me through the door.

The cold breeze hits my face and I finally have some fresh air. "Gosh your heavy." Heather complains. I looked​ at her rubbing her wrist and all I could do was smile. She made me smile for the first time in days. Suddenly something clicks in my mind.

"Heather can you do me a favour?" I asked her.

"If it involves pushing you some more then nope."

"I want you to set up an interview with Susan Chang for me. Let her know that I will be doing the interview here." Every since they announced that I was married they have been requesting interview but I declined all the time.

"Thank God. I won't have to lie to her again that you have a serious case of diarrhea." He whispers beside me.

My eyes widen "What did you just say Heather." I looked at her.

"Oops. I'm going to set it up for tomorrow!" She yelled while running away.

It's time for me to end this with Nora. It's time for the world to know the truth. I can't do this pretending anymore. I can't. This is the reason why my heart is breaking. She is the reason that I'm not with Ashley anymore. I can't deal with this foul play anymore.

I got in my car and drive, drive , drive. I have ended up at the place with I should be in the first place but I need to set things straight. I need to get my life back in shape.

I ring the doorbell and waited impatiently. Her eyes widen when she saw me. I'm even surprise that I'm here myself but if I want to set things straight it's starts now, with her.

"God you look awful." She said as I walked behind her.

"I thought guys were hard to break." She scoff. "Need anything​ to drink?" She offered.

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