Exterminate! (JunHao)

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Decent amount of cussing. I made Jun a bit of a potty-mouth lmao. Enjoy (*'︶'*)╯♡

Minghao let out a squeal of disgust. "Oh my god! What is that?! Oh my god, oh my god," Minghao was freaking out, and grabbed a chair to stand on so he wasn't stepping on the floor.

He flailed his arms around as he tried to gain his balance on the top of the chair, before he reached in his pocket.

He let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he left his phone in his pants' pocket.

He dialed the number he had found on the internet.


Minghao said, when the person on the other line picked up. "Yes, what can I help you with?"

"I'd like you to send someone over here as quickly as possible, I have a bit of a problem," Minghao explained.

"Of course, sir. Just tell us your problem and address," the polite woman requested. Minghao nodded, even though she couldn't see him.

He quickly explained his situation to the nice lady. "We will send someone as soon as possible. Does 4 p.m sound all right?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you," Minghao replied. He hung up and ran his hand through his pink hair. "Phew...I thought I was going to have to stay up here all day," He said to himself.

He decided to sit down, with his feet still on top of the chair. There was half an hour until 4, so he'd just wait it out.

(Jun p.o.v)

"Hey, Junhui! You've got a job!" I heard Seungcheol yell from the front of the office.

"Bitch, what?! I thought I was done for today?" I screamed back, annoyance seeping into my voice.

"I'll pay you for overtime?" He said hesitantly when he came into the back room.

"Hmm..." I crossed my arms and glared at him. "Why does it have to be me? Can't you send Jihoon or someone?" I tried to get out of the situation by negotiating with my boss. "You're the only one still here!" Seungcheol cried. He gave me big puppy eyes. "Please~, Junhui?"

I sighed. I could use the extra money, and if I was really the only worker still here... "Fine, you needy bitch, I'll go. But you better remember to add the extra money into my paycheck, or you'll have to catch these hands," I warned, smacking Seungcheol on the back.

"Thanks, Jun! I really appreciate it!" Seungcheol whooped with glee. "Here's the address, make sure you have everything you need before you go," He said, placing a piece of paper in my palm.

"I hate you sometimes, Seungcheol," I grumbled. "Love you too, Junhui!" Seungcheol called back, already exiting the room. "Fucka you!" I yelled.

- - -

I pulled up to the address that Seungcheol's shitty handwriting directed me to. I parked the van only slightly recklessly, with the back end sticking probably three feet into oncoming traffic.

If Seungcheol forced me to work after my shifts were over, he could deal with the damages.

I slammed the door shut and threw open the passenger side. I grumbled to myself as I pulled out all the necessary materials and stomped up to the customer's front door.

I knocked loudly, because the house didn't appear to have a doorbell.

I heard quick pattering of footsteps on the floor inside. It sounded like a kid's steps, not an adult.

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