Gays in Space (HuiDawn/Pentagon)

689 42 15

Requested by Hunter_In_The_Night

Thank you for requesting HuiDawn!??!?! My kings!! Stan Pentagon. Thanks to one of my friends for this inspiring title/idea lmAO. There's more HuiDawn than any other ship here, but it's mainly about all of Pentagon.

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"Code 7! Code 7! Alien in the cafeteria!" Yan An's voice blared in Hwitaek's ear. He winced and pulled the earpiece away from his now-throbbing eardrums.

"For fuck's sake, Yan An, use your inside voice," Hwitaek grumbled as he put the earpiece back in its place. He spun around in the pilot's seat, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

"But, Captain, it's- HOLY SHIT NOT MY LUNCH!" Yan An screeched. His panicked voice cut out and only static replaced it.

"Yan An! Yan An!" Changgu finally piped up over the com. "You better go find your boyfriend before he's an alien's dinner," Hwitaek commented lazily.

"Oh my god, Hwitaek, why didn't you help him?!" Changgu asked indignantly. Hwitaek could hear the metal doors of each hangar open as Changgu ran to rescue Yan An from peril.

"I figured he could handle a single alien by himself, I mean, come on," Hwitaek replied, rolling his eyes.

"I hate you, oh my fucking god."

Hwitaek shot up straight. "Hey, that's no way to talk to your captain! Don't make me throw you off this spaceship!" Hwitaek threatened, eyebrows wrinkling.

"Go fuck yourself, Hwitaek! Yan An's going to die!" Changgu screamed in anger.

"Hey hey, he has Hyojong for that," Shinwon interjected suddenly. Hwitaek's cheeks flushed red and he covered his face with his hands.

"I don't kno-," Hwitaek began, only for his own words to be cut off.

"He isn't wrong."

The sliding door to the command room opened, revealing a shirtless Hyojong leaning against the door frame. Hwitaek's eyes nearly popped out of his eye sockets.

"Hot damn..." Hwitaek whispered, leaning forward to get a better look at Hyojong's toned, glistening bronze torso.

Hyojong smirked, walking over to Hwitaek with confidence in his step, his hips swaying. "What's that you were saying, Hwitaek?" Hyojong slid onto Hwitaek's lap, arms encircling his neck. Hwitaek blinked, eyes wide and cheeks red.

"I-- Well, I just, I just--," Hwitaek tripped over his words, "You're so hot..."

"Mm," Hyojong hummed into Hwitaek's ear before biting onto the shell softly.

"Oh god, Hyojong."

Hyojong pulled away and pressed a kiss to Hwitaek's plush lips. Hwitaek grabbed his face and smashed their lips together fiercely, causing Hyojong to groan in satisfaction and kiss back.

Fiery kisses were placed on Hyojong's jawline and down his neck to his sternum. Hyojong's fingers threaded through Hwitaek's flaming red locks.


"Hey, why don't you two take off your earpieces first so all of us aren't subject to your "love-making", eh?" Yuto interjected into their little private time.

Hwitaek grumbled and wrapped his arms around Hyojong's torso. Hyojong pressed a kiss to the top of his head. He snuggled into Hyojong's shoulder, upset that they were interrupted.

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