Meow (Neo)

441 18 15

requested by chyeonie_1202

Taekwoon tilted his head back, taking in the bright blue sky and smiling as a breeze ruffled his pitch black hair.

He was thinking dazedly about the cute boy in his chemistry class. He was adorable and had the most stunning smile that swept Taekwoon off his feet. Taekwoon loved his laugh and the way his eyes crinkled. He thought the boy was charming and sweet.

Basically, Taekwoon had the hugest crush on the beautiful Cha Hakyeon.

Taekwoon smiled softly at the thought of Hakyeon talking to him today. It was brief, but Hakyeon had turned to ask Taekwoon for a pencil. Taekwoon cherished their conversation, which consisted of a mere ten words.

Taekwoon strolled through the park, thinking about his secret crush and what he should eat for dinner.

As he walked down the path between the trees, he heard a soft voice calling out.

"Chubs! Chubs~!"

Taekwoon tilted his head in confusion. Chubs? What is that?

Taekwoon could here the voice getting closer to him as he walked.

He walked around a tree, looking back and forth before turning back to the main path.

Nearly stumbling, he saw Hakyeon crouched down and clapping his hands softly.

Taekwoon jumped behind the tree again, peering around to look at his crush with a light blush dusting his cheeks.

He noticed the crestfallen look on Hakyeon's thin face and he couldn't help but frown at the sight. Taekwoon wanted to go to him and ask what was wrong, because he really couldn't take seeing that sad face very long.

Taekwoon decided to muster up his courage and go talk to Hakyeon. Taking a deep breath, Taekwoon stepped forward-- and proceeded to trip over a tree root and sprawl all over the concrete path.

Taekwoon winced in embarrassment at the debacle (one of my favorite words right now, I just had to use it) he had caused. Now he was lying on the ground, his elbows scraped up, his cheeks burning red, and his crush staring right at him with wide eyes.

"Taekwoon? Right?" Hakyeon asked after he approached the boy.

Taekwoon scrambled up, dusting off his knees and standing. "Uh, y-yeah," He mumbled shyly as he rubbed his neck nervously.

Hakyeon pointed at Taekwoon's bleeding elbows, "Are you okay?"

Taekwoon looked at his scarred skin and ran his fingers over the cuts. He winced at the light touch. "I'm good, thanks."

"Hey, Taekwoon, can you help me look for my cat?" Hakyeon asked, his eyes big and round and a smile on his lips.

Taekwoon gulped and told himself not to kiss Hakyeon right now no matter how much he wanted to.

"Oh, uh, sure," he stammered out those three words instead.

"His name is Chubs! He's a black cat, with the prettiest green eyes."

"Your eyes are pretty too," Taekwoon blurted out. His ears burned red with embarrassment and he slapped a hand over his mouth.

"I--I'm sorry!" He apologized.

Hakyeon laughed and Taekwoon swore his heart burst with happiness.

"It's fine! Thank you for the compliment! I think your hair is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen, by the way." Hakyeon beamed, giggling a little.

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