Never Ever (HimUp)

835 26 6

requested by Hunter_In_The_Night

CAUTION: some triggering moments (self-harm, depression, suicidal thoughts)

Please skip this story if you aren't comfortable.

The flames flickered before my eyes. The dancing shadows of the fire were painted on the sidewalk. I smiled at my malicious art. It was beautiful, the shades of red and orange and blue encasing the hunk of wood people called a house.

I watched as a burning beam crashed down to the ground. I smiled wider. I opened my camera, and began to film my masterpiece in all of its glory.

It's licking tongues of fire were alluring to me. Others would be disgusted at the fact that I considered this art. But it was. Everything can become art, even the most "grotesque" of things.

I made masterpieces that would put many artists to shame, in my opinion. That's what I did to these old, run-down houses. Nobody lived in them, so I used them to create my artwork. I would never try to harm someone, at least not on purpose. I merely used the houses as media, not as a tool to hurt others.

Sighing, I snapped my camera shut, and pushed myself to my feet. I ran my hand through my flaming red hair. I had dyed it that color to represent my love for my art.

And my boyfriend loved it.

- - -

"Channie!" A voice called as I closed the door to my apartment. A boy with blond hair came running towards me at full speed down the foyer. He jumped on me, pulling me into a tight hug.

I chuckled. "Hey, Jongup," I said. Jongup grinned. "I missed you. Where were you?" Jongup asked, looking at me with quizzical eyes.

"Just taking a walk. I needed some air," I half-lied. It was true; after all, I couldn't completely lie to Jongup. I had gone to get some air, when I stumbled upon that old house. It was the perfect canvas for my work. I just couldn't resist the temptation.

"All right, just tell me when you go somewhere next time. I was starting to get worried!" Jongup whined, encircling his arms around my waist. I smiled. "Of course, babe," I said.

I kissed him on the cheek, and made my way to my office. It was time to reveal my art to my avid supporters.

I plugged my camera into the computer resting on my desk, and watched as the files popped up on the screen.

I quickly uploaded the video to my website. Of course, I knew that ordinary people didn't exactly appreciate my work, so I always updated through multiple reroutes. That way the police couldn't find me and punish me for doing what I loved.

As soon as the video was uploaded, I got many positive comments from my regular supporters.

-'Wow, I think this is one your best works yet! Can't wait for more!'

-'Oh my goodness, my eyes have been blessed. Keep up the good work!'

-'Your artwork really stirs my heart. Maybe we could collaborate some time?'

I smiled at the positive comments. It was always good to see people appreciating me.

But my happiness wasn't very long-lasting. My eyes drifted down to the rest of the comments. They were all extremely negative.

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