Stitch Me Up (RockBin, MyungJin, EunHa)

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Rocky turned at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. He and the rest of the gang were hanging out under the bridge, keeping out of the harsh sun that was beating down on the ground. Rocky put a hand up to his forehead to shield his eyes.

Moon Bin was sprinting towards them, his lips forming a huge grin. Rocky smiled at just the sight of Moon Bin's smile and the blue hair plastered to his forehead.

Moon Bin collided into Rocky at full speed, wrapping him in his arms protectively. "Hey, babe..." Rocky murmured, petting his taller boyfriend's head affectionately. He giggled as Moon Bin snuggled his head into the crook of Rocky's neck.

"How's it going?" Moon Bin asked. Rocky smiled up at him.

"We're good, just hanging out." He gestured to the rest of the boys. Sanha and Eunwoo were engrossed in teaching each other crazy new techniques, while Jin Jin and MJ sat on the ground, quietly discussing. Moon Bin smiled at them too.

"Okay, okay, that's cool. Wanna see something new I came up with?"

"Sure thing, babe!" Rocky grinned. He called everyone over and they eyed Moon Bin curiously.

Jin Jin looked at Rocky. "What's he got in store for us today?"

Rocky shrugged, unsure of what Moon Bin had really made for them to see. "Not sure. I'm sure it'll be pretty cool though, as always."

Jin Jin smirked in response, slinging an arm around MJ's shoulders as Moon Bin pressed play on the CD player they had. The music started off slow, a resonant and constant beat, pulsing like a heart-beat.

Moon Bin started moving, fluidly and effortlessly almost, his shoulders rolling with the beat and his feet moving in time. Rocky was always easily entranced by Moon Bin's dancing, and this choreo he'd created was just as mind-blowing.

Rocky observed with a big smile as Moon Bin danced, his face focused and movements precise.

The music stopped.

Rocky turned in surprise, not knowing why the music stopped so suddenly.

"Well, well, well. I see you've come up with something fascinating, haven't you, Moon?" a chilling voice said, almost mocking Moon Bin. Rocky's brow furrowed in anger as he saw the face of the person who had shut off the music.

It was the leader of a dance crew that considered ASTRO enemies, for absolutely no reason at all. Rocky knew they were jealous of the spot ASTRO had secured for their dancing after the turf war.

The fact that ASTRO had placed in the local dance off had also pissed them off some more, and now they considered ASTRO their mortal enemies, as childish as that was.

" better leave if you know what's good for you," Rocky growled, trying to keep his ground and not leap directly into the fray.

The other members of MVP smirked at this, but the twins were glancing at each other worriedly. Rocky knew they were the only ones with a shred of common sense in the crew, and he respected them the most out of all the members.

"Kanghan, are you sure we should-,"

"Shut up, Been!" Kanghan growled. "We've waited long enough to confront them. I thought you had no doubts about this?"

Been shrunk back at the tone of Kanghan's voice. "S-sorry," he said, ducking his head. Rocky watched sadly as Jin squeezed his younger brother's arm comfortingly. Rocky was sure the two just followed what Kanghan said because they felt threatened and wanted to fit in. Rocky thought they were the most proficient dancers out of all of MVP though.

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