Devil's Advocate (JohnTen)

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requested by xvfreya

Ten didn't think he was that stupid. He was only a little stupid.

Taeil seemed to think otherwise.

"You're the biggest fucking idiot I've ever met," Taeil muttered as they walked through the quad.

Ten frowned in annoyance. "I'm not an idiot!" He shifted his bag higher on his shoulder. Taeil glared at from the corner of his eyes.

"You're such an idiot!" He griped.

"I am not!" Ten shot back, brows furrowed. They approached the lecture hall and Ten yanked open the door.

"You sold your soul to the devil!"

"He gave me a good deal!"

Taeil felt like smacking his head against a wall, repeatedly. "Demons don't give "good deals", Ten," Taeil said, exasperated at this point.

"It was a pretty good deal."


"Taeil," Ten said pointedly as they sat in the far back of the huge classroom.

"Taeil, nothing," Taeil retorted, setting his backpack on the ground. Ten snorted and continued to pout as they waited for their professor to arrive. Ten leaned back in his seat and opened his mouth to talk to Taeil again. 

"The demon was pretty hot, Taeil. Do you want to know what he even offered me?" Ten said, linking his fingers together behind his head. Taeil gave him a scowl. 

"What could a demon offer you that was so tempting that you'd sell your soul to it?" Taeil said, lowering his voice so their classmates couldn't hear what they were discussing. "Was it sex, a kiss, money, good health?"

Ten shook his head, grin spreading out on his face. "No, but I bet those would be pluses!" Ten said enthusiastically. He giggled in glee at Taeil's confused expression. 

"Then what?" Taeil snapped, starting to get angry at his best friend's teasing. "Enlighten me, Ten."

Ten glanced around, eyes bright. When he was sure no one was watching, he leaned close to Taeil's ears and whispered into them. "He asked me to be his husband. In other words: I'm going to be one of the kings of hell, Taeil." Ten's voice was soft and excited. And for some reason Taeil could hear an underlying tone of affection. 

This did nothing to ease Taeil's shock though. He screamed and fell out of his chair. Ten erupted in laughter, clutching his stomach in pain as he cackled. Their classmates were eyeing the disastrous pair, one laughing and one lying on the floor motionless. 

After the shock subsided, Taeil pulled himself up from the floor and got in Ten's face, eyes searching his friend's. "So, you're marrying the devil, essentially. And you sold your soul to him so you could marry him. Voluntarily," Taeil said slowly. 

Ten grinned. "Precisely!"

Taeil groaned. "My god. You're a disaster, Ten."

"But I actually would love to marry him! There are several bonuses included when you become the king of the underworld, Taeil," Ten explained seriously. 

Taeil sighed in exasperation. "Okay, sure. What about that Johnny guy you met at the club, whom you've been raving about for the past two months?" Taeil asked. He didn't know how Ten could leave the guy he liked for a demon in hell. 

"Oh!" Ten's lips split into a blinding smile.  "Johnny IS the devil!"

Taeil passed out for real that time. 

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