Blood Lust (BangHim)(Part 2)

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(four months later)


Himchan whipped around at the sound of the deep, raspy voice and dropped the body he was holding.

"Ah, uh, Yongguk..." Himchan stammered. He kicked away the drained body of the human he was drinking from. "You scared me."

Yongguk sighed, resting his electric blue eyes on Himchan.

"Himchan you have to stop. That's the eighth person you've killed this week alone," Yongguk said, his voice frigid. Himchan knew that wasn't good. Yongguk closed his eyes in frustration. He was seconds away from losing it. Himchan had to tread carefully.

"I can't control it, Yongguk. Everytime I see someone, my blood lust goes on the fritz. I hate it, but once I start drinking, even if the blood lust has faded, I can't stop," Himchan explained, fro what felt like the millionth time.

He closed his eyes and pushed his red bangs out of his face.

"I know, but Himchan, I'm starting to hear rumors everytime I head into the town. This needs to stop, and soon," Yongguk said, softening his gaze a bit at the tired face of his partner.

"I'm sorry," Himchan whispered. He felt the itching feeling for blood rise in the back of his throat.

"It's back," Himchan said, his voice shaking. His hand flew to his throat and he tapped it incessantly. His eyes changed from a dull, icy blue color to a bright cerulean.

"Himchan?" Yongguk asked worriedly. He saw the red-head tremble and fall to his knees. Yongguk rushed over to him and put his hands on the side of Himchan's face.

Himchan's head snapped up and he stared straight into Yongguk's eyes. His gaze seemed off somehow, but Yongguk couldn't think of what it was.

And then Himchan lunged at Yongguk, jumping on him and knocking him to the ground.

"Himchan!" Yongguk shouted, trying to push the rabid vampire away from him. Himchan's teeth were bared and he seemed stronger than usual. Yongguk realized he might not be able to push him off.

"Himchan! Get a hold of yourself! Himchan! Himchan!" Yongguk screamed, scrambling to shove the vampire off of him. Himchan's clawed fingers scraped against Yongguk's smooth skin and left long red scratches.

Himchan grabbed Yongguk's arms ferociously and slammed them to the ground, snarling.

Himchan's fangs sunk into Yongguk's exposed neck.

"Ack-" Yongguk choked at the action. It felt like he was experiencing that dreaded moment all over again.

Yongguk didn't want to be a vampire, just like anybody else who was turned. Yongguk was just an unsuspecting human, walking back home from the convenience store one night. He didn't expect to be jumped by a hungry vampire.

The night was rather traumatizing; why wouldn't it be? Yongguk didn't want to feel like he was being turned again.

Yongguk grit his teeth, feeling his own fangs poke his bottom lip. He banged on Himchan's shoulder roughly, trying to get him to snap out of the blood lust.

But he didn't stop, and Yongguk's hitting got weaker and slower.

"Ugh!" Himchan yelped, pulling away from Yongguk abruptly. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, leaving a bloody stain. His blood lust finally seemed to be satisfied.

Himchan looked down, gasping when he saw his dark haired lover below him.

"Yongguk, oh shit, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Himchan panicked and got off of Yongguk before pulling his limp body into his arms.

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