Chapter 26

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Carter ran over to the girls.
"Are you two ok?" Carter asked
They were covered in blood.
"Yeah I think we're fine." The older girl said
The older girl was about in her 20's and the younger girl was Noah's age.
"Are you hurt?" Carter asked the younger girl
"No I'm ok, just a bit shaken up." The younger girl said
"I think we all are." Skylar said
"You can say that again." The older girl said
"So what's your names?" Skylar asked
"I'm Zoe and this is my little sis Grace." The older girl said
"Well Zoe, I take it you guys are pretty good out there if you've made it this far?" Carter asked
"Yeah id say we're pretty good with guns and bats." Zoe said
"I kinda enjoy killing them, I don't know if that's a bad thing though." Grace said
"Actually that may be a good thing considering it's what we'll be doing for the rest of our lives." Carter said
"Did you say you liked bats?" Noah said walking over with his bat.
"Yeah." Grace said
"Cool so do I." Noah said
"Can I hold that for a second?" Grace asked
Noah looked at his bat for a second and reluctantly handed it to Grace
"Let's go over here and you can see my zed killing swing." Grace said
"Ok maybe you can teach me a few things." Noah said as they walked away into the gym.
"He hasn't let anyone touch that bat since his mom died." Carter said to Zoe smiling
"I think that's what we needed maybe. He has been kinda alone that's the first kid we met since before Elliot." Carter said
"That's kinda sweet." Zoe said
"So what about people have you had any problems with them?" Carter asked
"No if you don't count Elliot. The first person we met was Felix." Zoe said
"Is it really that far gone out there?" Carter asked
"Yeah." Zoe said
"Well come meet the rest of the group." Carter said
Zoe and Grace introduced themselves and Carter stood on the box.
"I know I usually do this in the morning but I had to do it now. You guys impressed me, you did exactly what I knew you could do from the start. You protected this place, and you took down Elliot. We have two new members as you have all seen. They've been out there the longest. They say there's almost nothing left out there but once we build these walls we can bring it back. For our little group here and everyone that stumbles upon us. We have brought a new era to us. I now believe that we have what it takes to survive, to thrive." Carter said
"We need a name to out on the walls." Noah said
"Well the town is in Thornton to I imagine we could just call the place Thornton Safe Zone." Carter said
"The Vikings and Thornton Safe zone?" Noah asked
"Yeah it kinda just doesn't sound right. Thornton and The Vikings." Carter said
"Oh my god just shut up, it's Thornton safe zone." Skylar said
"That's my dads girlfriend." Noah said to Grace.
"What happened to your mom?" Grace asked
"Come with me." Noah said
They walked into a classroom.
"I've never told anyone before." Noah said
"You don't have to." Grace said
"I want to." Noah said
"We were at a safe zone toward the start. Things went sour and deadheads took over, my dad came and rescued us. We ran toward the truck when bullet from a guy shooting hit her in the leg. She fell down, we tried to go back for her but we were to late. She was torn up right in front of me." Noah said
"I'm sorry." Grace said
"What happened to your parents?" Noah asked Grace.
"They were about to go to Georgia to meet some sheriff guy dad knew. They were in the airport when it was locked down. They were locked in there with zeds. Me and Zoe ran there and banged on the door but it wouldn't open." Grace said tearing up
Noah got closer to her.
"It's ok we've all lost so much." Noah said quoting his dad.
Grace stood up and was about to walk back out the door.
"You might want to clean up a bit you're still covered in blood." Noah said
"My clothes in my bag are also stained in blood." Grace said
"Well I guess you could wear some of my clothes." Noah said
He grabbed her a pair of cargo pants, a t-shirt, and a belt.
"Thank you Noah." Grace said
"You're welcome." Noah said smiling
Zoe and Grace cleaned themselves up and they got a room together on the bottom floor.
Carter laid down to go to sleep. He about fell asleep when he jumped up and grabbed his machete and gun.

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