Chapter 5

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"How's your leg?" Olivia asked Carter
With everything going on in the last few days Carter had forgot about the gash on his leg.
"It's fine" Carter said
"Take some antibiotics." Olivia said
"Ok fine" Carter said
He took antibiotics.
"Carter can I talk to you?" Edge asked from the other room
"Yeah" Carter said walking into the room and closing the door behind him
"That's the first person I've ever killed" Edge said
"It's hard." Carter said
"So I guess you've done it before too?" Edge asked
"Yeah being a cop I did have the unfortunate privilege to kill a man." Carter said
"How'd you deal with it?" Edge asked
Carter was about to answer but he was cut off by screaming.
Carter and Edge ran to the living room with their guns out. A man was holding Olivia with his gun to her head. After closer examination Carter realized it was the guy from the store.
"You thought you could kill me?" He yelled
"Come on man it had nothing to do with her, let her go." Carter said pleading with him
"It was me I stabbed you!" Edge yelled
The guy aimed his gun at Edge.
"Come with me old man" he said to Edge
The went outside.
"Get on your knees." The guy said
Edge spit in his face, the guy pushed him down. He took aim at Edges head, he had his finger on the trigger. Carter ran out and tackled the man onto the ground. He punched him in the face a few times, the man head butted him, then rolled on top off him and punched him a couple times. Carter kneed him in the chest causing him to rolled next to him. Carter got back on top of him but this time he pulled out his gun. He put it to the guys head "Any last words.". "Fuck you!" The man yelled then Carter pulled the trigger. Brain and blood spewed all over the ground and Carters face. Carter fell off the guys body and laid on the ground.
"Dad Dad Dad are you ok?" Noah asked
"Yeah I'm fine" Carter said getting up
He hugged and kissed Olivia
Edge got over and walked over to Carter. They looked at each other for a second before Edge hugged Carter.
"Thanks man you saved my life, I don't know what I could possibly do to repay you." Edge said
"How about find us a new place, the gun shots and screaming probably attracted zeds from a mile away." Sarah said
"She's right we need to go, everyone pack up." Carter said
Everyone packed up and got in the truck. It was a little cramped but everyone managed to fit.
"It's so tight back here!" Noah said as he was between Olivia and Sarah in the back bench seat.
"Noah stop complaining, I need to talk to you about something. What you seen back at the cabin is what life is like now. It's what we will have to deal with until help comes. No matter what we protect each other, whether it be from deadheads or people." Carter said
"I know dad, we'll make it past this I know it!" He said
"I like that enthusiasm!" Sarah said
"He's always been a glass half full kid." Olivia said
"It's great that he can keep that attitude through what's going on now." Sarah said
"I guess that's just how he is." Olivia said
"On another note, what did you do before this whole thing Edge?"  Carter asked
"I was a diesel mechanic." Edge said
"That's cool I heard they had good pay." Carter said
"Yeah, Olivia what do you do before?" Edge asked
"I was a teacher at Noah's school." Olivia said
"That's cool." Edge said
"Edge what does the Sign say?" Carter asked
"Safe zone, safe for all. Next exit." Edge said
"That's what I thought it said" Carter said
Carter looked at Edge and the gave a high five knowing they had found a safe place.
"Are we going." Noah asked
"Of course we are." Carter said
"Yes!" Everyone said as Carter tool the next exit.
They arrived at a large gate the shut the car off, got out, and knocked.

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