Chapter 30

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1 month later

"Carter if I've been keeping my calendar right it's Christmas." Edge said to Carter
"Let's just ignore it and act like it's a normal day." Carter said
"It sure is nice having this wall finished." Edge said looking at the now finished wall
"It's certainly beautiful." Carter said
Carter walked back in the school and stood on the box.
"It's been a few days since we finished the wall, we've checked every house inside the walls and they are clear there is six houses and eleven people do with that what you will. Not to mention Skylar, Noah, and I are staying in the school so that leaves eight. So choose someone you want to room with and finally we will have a small community, a place for privacy, our own homes." Carter said
Carter jumped off the box and walked over to Skylar.
"Are you ready to finally have some privacy?" Carter asked
"You bet." Skylar said
Carter kissed Skylar and walked over to Zoe and Grace.
"So I take it you two are rooming together?" Carter asked
"Yeah, we'll be in the house across the street from you." Zoe said
"Ok don't forget a heater or two I guarantee it's cold in those houses." Carter said
"Yeah thanks." Zoe said
Carter walked over to Edge.
"It'll be a shame not seeing you everyday." Carter said
"Hopefully you will I'm not leaving or anything." Edge said
"I know it's just we've all been coupled up in this school together and I might miss the company." Carter said
"You still got Skylar and Noah." Edge said
"I know." Carter said
Carter walked outside where Marcus was looking at the wall with Stewart.
"It's cold." Carter said shivering.
"You might need a bigger jacket." Marcus said
"Yeah but this one looks cool." Carter said looking at his brown leather jacket.
"It does maybe you can put one under it." Stewart said
"Anyway, thanks for the help building the wall without you we would have been lost." Carter said sticking out his hand for a handshake.
They shook hands and Carter walked back in as everyone left to their new houses.
"Well this is a new sight." Carter said
"Yeah it's just us in here now, so much quieter." Skylar said
"Noah have you checked how deep the snow is today?" Carter asked
Noah walked out the door and put a ruler in the snow. He was about to walk in when he got hit in the back by a snow ball. He turned around to see Grace running.
He leaned in the door.
"5 inches." He said before running back out the door.
He hit Grace back with a snowball, they ran and then ran into each other. They landed on the ground with Noah propped up above Grace looking down at her. They looked at each other for a second laying in the snow. Noah leaned down about to kiss her when Carter yelled for him.
"I'll see you later Grace." Noah said getting up
He walked over to his dad.
"Me and you are gonna go out to look for more large blankets and jackets." Carter said
"Ok." Noah said grabbing his bat from the truck.
They walked out the front gate toward Denver.
"Why do they slow down so much during the winter? I mean some of them even stop until it warms up." Noah said
"I don't know, but if I had to guess it would be something to do with the fact they have no blood flow keeping their body warm so they kinda just freeze." Carter said
"Makes sense." Noah said
"So how are you and Grace you still friends?" Carter asked
"Yeah." Noah said smiling thinking back to earlier
They walked a little further and came up on a frozen zed outside of a department store. Noah pulled the bat from the straps on the backpack he had and ran up to the zed and hit it in the head knocking it clean off and the body stayed standing.
"Well ok then." Carter said
They looted the store and came out with a few blankets and sheets and a jacket Carter could wear under his leather jacket. Noah had a black cloth jacket with fuzzy insulation on the inside so he stayed warm.
"Ok god this feels much better." Carter said
"Why didn't you just wear the jacket you have under that one?" Noah asked
"Because this one looks cool." Carter said talking about the leather jacket.
They started walking back to the school.
"Dad truth be told I like Grace, but I don't know if I want her to be my girlfriend I just don't know if I could handle losing her. I mean I see how you do it with Skylar I mean she's a survivor but Grace." Noah said
"Noah if you like her go for it, we're safe now, we have walls not to mention did you see her clearing the zeds from those houses for fifteen year olds you both are some pretty serious zed killers." Carter said
"Yeah I guess you got a point." Noah said
"By the way I called it." Carter said
"Called what?" Noah asked
"I knew from the second you met Grace you liked her." Carter said
"So did I." Noah said
"Drop your weapons this is a robbery!" Someone yelled from behind them

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