Chapter 11

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***Lucy Bennett***
San Francisco three months earlier
"We have to go!" Lucy said to her husband Phillip
"No we can't go anywhere!" Phillip said
"It's getting worse out there, the riots and the gunshots, we can't stay!" Lucy said
"We have to wait for my family!" Phillip said
"You family is probably dead if they're anything like you." Lucy said
"What did you say?" Phillip said walking toward her.
"I said your family is probably dead." Lucy said
"No they're not dead, not like you family. Don't you remember listening to you dad die through the phone?" Phillip said
"Fuck you." Lucy said
"What was that?" Phillip said
"You heard me." Lucy said
"I DONT THNIK I DID!" Phillip said before punching Lucy in the face.
Lucy looked up at Philip and and at him pushing him through the window.
She walked out to him laying on the ground bleeding. She grabbed his knife and stuck it through his abdomen.
"I'm tired of the abuse." She said before pulling the knife out and stabbing it back in.
"I'm tired of you!" She yelled stabbing him in the head this time.
She fell back relishing she just killed her husband. She sat there for a few minutes before revising she needed to go. She grabbed his Winchester from over the fire place along with some ammo and she left. About three days later she was sitting on the outskirts of town in the woods watching the evacuation of the city. She noticed that today more cars were coming out than usual. She stayed in the woods and watched then she heard sirens. Jets flew over her head and dropped napalm over the city.
"Oh my god." Lucy said sitting down
She was startled by the sound of footsteps coming from the woods around her.
"Hello?" She said
About eight burnt and disfigured deadheads came out of the woods and walked toward her.
She pulled up the Winchester and took a shot but missed. She ran back and slid off a steep cliff. She grabbed a branch to stop herself from falling. The deadheads fell off the cliff to the bottom and died in a pit of flesh and bones. Lucy tried to pull herself back up but couldn't. She screamed for help just then a 18 year old boy ran up and saved her. His name was Jack, he pulled her up from the cliff and they went inland. They made it to a lake house in Black Rock Utah about a month and a half later. They were sitting outside the lake house at night by a fire and for the first time since she killed her husband she fell in love with someone, Jack.
Just as Lucy leaned in to kiss Jack and deadhead came out of the woods and bit him in the shoulder. She stayed by his side until he turned and then she killed him. She made it all the way to Colorado and saw signs for a safe zone, when she got there she met a man named Carter.

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