Chapter 32

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Carter called the town to a meeting.
"Has anyone seen Jim?" Carter asked everyone
No one said anything and Skylar came running up to the group
"We're missing a gun, a knife, and a few supplies." Skylar asked
"Shit he must of left while we were sleeping." Carter said
"But why?" Edge asked
"I don't know, but I do know it's snowing and at lest 30 degrees out here so I hope he put on something warm if not, it's sad to say but he may not make it." Carter said
"We can't risk going out there." Skylar said
"We can't just leave him Skylar." Carter said
"Carter just this once you have to let it slide it was his choice let him make it." Skylar said
They went on with the day, Stewart and Marcus were working in the green house.
"You do a lot for this group you know." Stewart said
"I gotta make up for them saving me." Marcus said
"Yeah I guess that's true. Did you make the decision to have a green house also?" Stewart asked
"Yeah it was kinda a thing we needed seeing as its winter. I just wanted to be able to grow some that can grow now and have protection form the elements in the summer. Not to mention the clear walls and roof get more sunlight." Marcus said
"That's smart." Stewart said looking at the building around him
"Why all the questions?" Marcus asked
"I'm just getting to know you, ya know." Stewart said winking
"Listen man" Marcus said sticking the shovel in the ground.
"I know what your doing, I'm not gay nor will I ever be, we can be friends but nothing more than that so stop." He said
"Ok I'm sorry." Stewart said looking down.
"I'm sorry if I was a little harsh." Marcus said
Carter and Noah went to the gate and killed a few thawed out zeds then Noah went to Graces house.
He walked into Graces room. She was laying in he bed asleep laid down on the bed behind her.
He poked her on the shoulder waking her up. They sat up on the bed
"How was the sleeping going?" Noah asked
"Good until you woke me up." Grace said
"Whoops." Noah said laughing
Grace leaned in and kissed Noah.
"God I love doing that." Grace said
"And I love you doing that." Noah said
They laughed
"Hey Edge, how have you been?" Carter asked
"Great." Edge said sharpening a deadly looking stick.
"Wanna go out on a run see what we can find?" Carter asked
"Sure." Edge said
They headed out the front gate.
"Is there anything we need?" Carter asked
"Horses." Edge said
"What?" Carter asked
"We gotta run out of gas eventually so what not ride horses." Edge said
"That's smart." Carter said
"I know I'm smart... sometimes." Edge said
They both laughed.
"Do you know where we can get horses?" Carter asked
"Yeah there used to be a horse riding school thingy just outside of Denver." Edge said
"Can horses even live this long without food?" Carter asked
"I kinda hope they fed them a large amount before leaving to wherever they went." Edge said
Lucy and Zoe were sitting at the fireplace in Zoe's house.
"I just cant believe I'm pregnant." Lucy said
"It was an accident I assume?" Zoe asked
"Yeah I guess the condom broke, I never wanted to bring a baby into this world." Lucy said
"I think the baby will be fine, when I lived in the aquarium a lady had a baby that doctor is capable." Zoe said
Lucy left and Zoe yelled for Noah and Grace.
"I need to talk to you guys." Zoe said
"About what?" Grace asked
"I know you two are dating, you had the door cracked and I saw you two kissing. What I wanted to say was don't have sex, I know your young and you make mistakes you don't even want to know how old I was my first time. In this world if you mess up and get pregnant you could die. Especially with all the problems with teen pregnancy put the apocalypse on top of that." Zoe said
"I promise we don't do any of that." Grace said
They walked back up the stairs.
"Yet." Grace whispered in Noah's ear grabbing his crotch.
"Stop that." Noah said laughing.
Carter and Edge arrived at the horse training place.
"There's the stables." Carter said pointing at them and pulling his gun out
They checked the area for zeds and walked into the stables.
"Holy shit." Edge said
In front of them were two horses.
Carter walked over to one and Edge to the other.
"Do you even know how to ride one of these?" Carter asked
"No, do you?" Edge asked
"Nope." Carter said
"Well should be pretty simple." Edge said getting on it
Carter got on his.
"Go." He said to the horse
"I don't think that's how it works." Edge said laughing
Carter pulled up on the reigns and the horse took off running.
Edge and Carter figured it out and headed back to the safe zone.
"There's someone coming!" Stewart yelled
"Here we go." Noah said looking out the window at Stewart running for the gate.
Noah ran downstairs to the gate.
"Are those horses?" He asked Stewart
"I think they are." Stewart said as they listened to the clomping going though the snow to the road
They opened the gate and Carter and Edge came in with the horses.
"We have horses now!" Carter yelled laying back on the horse
He hopped of the horse and kissed Skylar.
"Why?" Skylar asked
"Why not?" Carter asked
"Ok riding lessons for everyone tomorrow." Edge said
"Marcus can I talk to you?" Stewart asked
"I already said no." Marcus said
"It's not about that." Stewart said
They walked to an alley way between two houses.
"You've done most of the work for this group, you're strong, you're smart, you are what these people need as a leader not Carter. If you take out Carter Daniel I will make sure you lead these people." Stewart said
"No I will not! And you know I have to let Carter know you said this." Marcus said
Stewart pulled out his gun and put it to Marcus's stomach.
"Yes you will, and no you won't." Stewart said
"Stewart." Marcus said
"Do it, kill Carter Daniel." 

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