Björn talking to his mother about you.

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Björn had walked down from the larger table where his family and closer friends ate to sit next to you. He cleared his throat as he placed his hand discreetly behind you back. Your eyes hadn't met since yours nervously looked around the filled room. Vikings were eating and drinking as they all talked loudly with each other. You were a simple slave that Björn had got interested in, nobody accept you two knew.

"Are you having a good time?" Björn asked you as his hand rubbed your back. You bit your lip before looking up at him. His blue eyes were shining in the dimmed light in the room from the candles.

"Yes, what about you?" You asked as your voice sounded sad which made you clear your throat before giving him a weak smile. His thumb rubbed small circles as he tried to read your expression. The night was enjoyable but you wished to be able to show your feeling towards Björn openly. You saw other slaves check him out and you heard them talking about wanting to spend the night with him. However your could do nothing about that.

"It would've been better if my love would tell me what's bothering her," Björn spoke with a low voice as he looked you in the eyes.

"Why don't you ask her then?" You asked as your eyes left him. A small chuckle left his lips and after your eyes had scanned the room your looked back at him.

"What's bothering you?" He asked as he looked at you worryingly. You gave him a small reassuring smile.

"You know what Björn," You mumbled back before fidgeting with your fingers. A deep sigh left his lips as he stroked your back. Then his eyes left yours as they looked at his mother who were eating at the larger table next to Ubbe. Suddenly he stood up with is cup in hand before leaving you wondering as he walked over to his mother.

"Mother, a word." Björn whispered in her ear. Lagertha only nodded as he stood up ready to step aside with her son. Lagertha quickly looked at the shy girl she had seen her son talk to a few times before. Björn took a sip as he quickly though what he would say.

"There's something or rather someone I need to talk to you about," Björn said and his mother nodded as she looked him in the eyes.

"About the beautiful woman at the end of the table?" Lagertha said and Björn smiled as a light shade of pink covered his cheeks. He nodded before looking at his mother.

"A slave girl, Björn." Lagertha said and Björn nodded once more. He knew his mother probably didn't one hundred precent liked the idea of another slave girl as his beloved. Lagertha didn't want to see her son betrayed, sad or used. She didn't want anyone to take advantage of him being the son of Ragnar Lothbrok, Björn Ironside. To use him to become free woman.

"I well aware of the mother but I really love her whether she's a slave or not," Björn said and Lagertha only hummed in response. Lagertha had sensed that something was going on between the young couple for a while. The looks they had given each other and her spotting Björn leaving his hut in the middle of the night to join the young woman in hers.

A smile spread across her face as she remembered when she had seen him sneak inside her hut for the first time. How he carefully looked around dressed in his cloak and fur. His words echoed in her mind as she remembered him blaming the chilly winter air when the young woman had opened the door.

"I thought that you probably needed some extra warmth?" Björn said and a shy smile spread across her face as the blush was visible. The young woman had nodded as she still smiled before stepping aside, allowing him to enter. Before the door closed Björn had hungrily attached his lips on the young girl's.

"You know I only want you to be happy, son?" Lagertha spoke and Björn nodded.

"I can't get any happier than I am when I'm with her, mother," Björn said as he nodded towards you before taking another sip. Lagertha smiled before rubbing her son's shoulder. Björn gave her mother a smile before engulfing her in a hug.

"I know that someone one would be delighted to meet you, mother." Björn whispered in her ear. As they pulled apart Lagertha nodded before giving her son a smile which filled his chest with happiness.

"I also would be delighted to meet the lucky girl," Lagertha answered. Björn held out his hand for his mother to take. Lagertha chuckled slightly before hooking her arm with her son's. Then they walked over to the young girl. You looked up and saw Björn with his mother walking towards you. Your eyes widen as you quickly straighten your dress even if it wouldn't get any better with some fast strokes. It needed a complete redoing from scratch.

"Mother, this is my beloved Y/n. Y/n this is my mother Lagertha," Björn said and he sounded so proud. You smiled at Lagertha before giving her a bow. Björn let go of his mother as he stood next to you and placed his hand around your waist. Pulling you closer to his body.

"My Queen, it's an honor to meet you," You said as your eyes met. Lagertha gave you a big smile as her eyes shifted between you and her son. She saw how Björn's eyes shined when he looked down at you.

"Please, call me Lagertha and it's an honor to meet the girl who have stolen my son's heart. Promise me that you'll take care of it." Lagertha said and you nodded quickly as your heart beated quickly in your ribcage. It all had happened so fast from being a complete stranger to the queen to get her approval.

"I promise your my Queen- I mean Lagertha." You spoke nervously but felt hand squeeze your waist reassuringly. You noticed that more people had gotten interested in your conversation. The large table with the whole family looked down on you guys but Björns hand never left your waist. Instead he gave you a smile before hugging you closely with his arm. A kiss was soon placed on the top of your head and a very familiar blush covered your cheek.

Lagertha suddenly raised a glas in the air as everyone got quiet. She looked at you and gave you a wink before looking around the room. As Lagertha began to speak you sucked in a deep breath quickly. 

"Everyone please toast to my sons beloved Y/n!" Lagertha spoke and everyone cheered. "Skål!" Everyone cheered as they looked at you before drowning everything that filled their cups without any problems. Your blush grew deeper and Björn only chuckled before he gripped your chin. Your eyes met and soon your lips did the same. Chills covered your skin as you placed you hand over the one that were placed on your hip before giving it a gentle squeeze. The blush on your cheeks didn't give you any signs it was fading anytime soon when the kiss depend and everyone whistled and applauded.

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