Halfdan's love interest.

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a/n: requested.


We all sat around the table. My older brother Ragnar, his two wives, children, Floki with Helga and our two newcomers. We had just arrived back from our joined raid in Frankia. My mind was twisted by the Norwegian brothers by the end of the table. Harald used his charm to lick his way into Aslaugs ass and my brothers. When they arrived I actually was happy to get something new to our old ways of battling. I had fallen for Harald's charm one late night with both of us too drunk on mead.

His brother however were the absolute opposite. His not so clean ways made even me scrunch my nose in disgust. His humor was too dark and disgusting even for someone who got pleasure from discarding limbs from bodies.

Horrible memories from my little outburst one night after raiding Frankia. I had overheard Floki when he talked about their own little visit to a french little village. The brothers by the end of the table had raped a families daughters in front of their own parents. I didn't care if Harald had given me numerous warning about his horrible brother, what I said that night would possibly open my gave beforehand.

Since that night we hadn't spoken to each other, Harald had tried to make amends but nothing would be enough when they had raped young women. Halfdan on the other hand had kept his distance which was doing him good. However he took every chance of looking at me.

When he thought I didn't know, I did. When he thought I didn't see, I did. When he thought I didn't feel the burn, I did.

I sucked on my teeth. Floki, a very close friend of mine had slowly slipped from my grasp as they arrived. When we returned Floki started to ask questions about what I thought about the newcomers. Especially what I thought about Halfdan, I had just snorted before walking away. I had difficulties to respect men who treated women badly. I had even treated my own brother like shít when he cheated on Lagertha. She would always be my sister in law, my only one.

As our newcomers started a conversation I stood up with my cup of mead in my hand. Without any care in the world and a neutral expression I left the table. Both Björn, Lagertha and my own brother called out for me but I could't take the disgusting taste I had lingering in my mouth.

I took a deep breath when I walked outside. The moon was on full show as I walked down to the shore. The sound of the waves usually calmed me down. My feet sunk in the sand and my tipsy state made it even more difficult to keep my balance.

A sigh left my lips as I sat down. My eyes were glued on the ocean before I slowly closed my eyes and laid down on the sand. After each wave rolling onto the sand made me calm. A pleased sigh left my lips when I enjoyed the calmness. However a groan soon left my lips when I felt something hit my foot. I opened my eyes and rolled them as I saw Halfdan staring there with his arms crossed over his chest. A disgusting smirk on his face.

"I thought I smelled something disgusting," I mumbled before closing my eyes again. A chuckle left his lips. I could feel his eyes still on my body and I opened my eyes before sitting. "What do you want?" I snapped before taking a sip go my mead.

"A conversation," He said simply and I raised my brow.

"You wont get that here," I said and he smiled.

"Then what do I get here?" He asked teasingly and I shrugged.

"You balls chopped and thrown in the water," I said and he chuckled. Without asking he sat down next to me and with wide eyes I looked around the shore.

"You really think its necessary to sit this close, why don't you over there?" I said and nodded towards the fishermen's cabins. Halfdan frowned. "You would fit in," I answered his unasked question.

"Why are you being difficult?" He asked suddenly and I shook my head.

"I don't like you," I answered and he chuckled. "I have no respect for either you or you brother," I continued and he shook his head.

"Well I have respect for you," He said and I laughed.

"Liar," I started and he shook his head. "If you did you wouldn't treat women like shít or maybe you forgot that I am indeed a woman," I continued and he rolled his eyes.

"It's difficult not to see that," Halfdan said as his eyes roamed my body. His eyes were dark and the blond hair hid parts of his face.

"Even with all that hair in your face?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Even with that." He started. "I respect you because you're strong enough to fight both me and my brother," He said in a serious tone and I raised my brow.

"Is that so?" I asked and he nodded.

"It's also the reason I actually like you," He said, it sounded like it was difficult to admit and I held in my laughter.

"Like as in?" I asked and he rolled his eyes before taking a gulp of mead.

"Like as in potentially seeing you as my woman," He mumbled quietly and I chuckled. I couldn't ignore the blush on my cheeks. I didn't want to admit that I was flattered. Men usually never told me they like me. They comment on my looks or my combat skills and slept with me because of my looks.

"You wouldn't survive a day if that happened," I snapped as I chuckled and he joined.

"Don't underestimate me darling,"

A few weeks had passed since Halfdan and I somewhat calmed things down between us. I still didn't approve of things they thought or did but we could be in the same room together now. Halfdan had actually calmed down a bit with his 'rape women' behavior. He wasn't undressing every woman in Kattegat as he saw them.

Yesterday I had agreed on training with both newcomers, Harald and Halfdan both curious if I just wasn't lucky in Frankia. My brother had been proud when I had kicked both their asses with some difficulty, yet I won.

Ragnar had planned another trip to England with Ivar. I had offered to join them both but he didn't want me too. Instead he had urged me to follow Björn,Hvitserk, Harald and Halfdan to explore the map. I liked all my nephews, Björn were an amazing leader and had no limitations in his mind.

"Ready to explore what's beyond Paris and Frankia?" A familiar voice spoke from behind. I turned around and saw Halfdan.

"It's them who's not ready," I said and he chuckled.  

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