Ivar's face.

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a/n: requested.

warning: mature.


Ivar sat in the bath when Y/n walked inside. A smile spread on her lips when she saw him and Ivar returned it. She removed her cloak, furs as she walked up to him and pecked his lips. She chuckled when he pulled her back to deepen the kiss. Their tongues danced together passionately before she pulled away, looking into his eyes.

"Get undressed and join me," He said and she smiled when she saw the familiar fire in his eyes. She obeyed and slowly took off her clothes, teasing him which made him groan. She giggled when she removed the last piece of clothing, her shirt. Ivar's eyes widen when he saw her naked body. He had seen it so many times before but he got just as breath taken now as he got when he saw her the first time. Y/n got in with ease and let out a sigh when she felt the warm water.

"It's nice isn't it?" He asked with a smirk and she giggled.

"It's very nice but I don't know if it's because of you or the warmth," She said with a smirk, his eyes darken as he frowned.

"I thought that was an obvious answer," He said and she chuckled before moving over to straddle his waist. She nodded before kissing him. He placed his hands on her waist, a groan left his lips when he felt how soft her skin was under the water. His hands roamed her body, one of his hands soon found her breasts as the other found her sex. A sigh left her lips when he slowly grazed his finger over her clít. He teased her a bit before starting to rub harder but still gentle. She kissed down to his neck as he continued to tease her. She sucked right below his hear earring both a moan and his fingers pinched her nipple.

During their time together Ivar had gotten to know her body. He knew exactly which buttons to press and when. She had been screaming his name as wave after wave of pleasure filled her body. The hand that gripped her breast soon moved down towards her ass, giving the cheek a squeeze before slowly sinking down between her cheeks. He gently rubber his finger against her second hole and she moaned slightly. They had tried it two times before, she wasn't as used to it but he loved to work on it.

However his hand moved further down to her entrance. His other hand still rubbing her clít and his other gently rubbed against her entrance from behind. Goosebumps travelled down her skin as she begged him to push a finger inside.

"Please baby, I need you," She moaned before slamming her lips against his. He smiled before obeying. He pushed a finger inside, groaning when he felt her slick walls clench around him. She moaned as he thrusted his finger in and out in a steady pace but also pushing harder against her clít as he rubbed her. Her hips started to move with his hands soon getting into a fitting rhythm.

"My girl's hórny tonight, who have you been thinking of?" He asked, teasing her as he pulled out waking her whine.

"You, only you," She moaned and he smirked as he pushed two fingers inside a few times before adding a third one.

"That's right," He groaned when he felt her squeeze his fingers. She started to move her hips quickly and he increased his rhythm as well. He knew she was close so he kissed down her neck, past her collarbones and she dipped her head back as she got even closer. He closed his lips around one of her nipples before biting it. She moaned loudly, tugging at his hair roughly as she came. He slowly stopped thrusting his finger inside her as she rode out her orgasm.

Y/n rested her forehead on his shoulder as she tried to calm her breathing. His hands moved back to her waist pulling her closer to him and she looked up. An almost drunken smile on her lips before attaching their lips.

"I love you boneless," She said between kisses. He smiled before pulling away, looking her in the eyes.

"Love you too baby," He said and winked at her. Her heart melted every time he said that. The sincere look on his face didn't help the feeling or hear beating heart.

"Shall we continue on the bed?" He asked her after a while of only looking into each others eyes. She blushed and nodded. With her help Ivar got out from the tub and into the bed. She laid down beside him and his hands was quickly on he body as his lips attached himself on hers. His hands moving down to her ex once again.

"Spread your legs baby," He said before making his way down, she bit her lip before stopping him. He frowned at her and saw the blush on her cheeks. They had tried a lot of things between these sheets but he never though she would stop him from licking her, something he had done a lot pf times before.

"Can we try something new?" She asked and blushed, her hand covering her mouth. He raised his brows and moved up so he was hovering above her. "Can I sit on your face when you... you know?" She asked and he smirked.

"Oh yes baby," He groaned before laying down. He motioned for her to move over and she did, a little slowly since she was rather nervous. She straddled his face and thankfully these was a little space between her sex and his head so he wouldn't suffocate. He placed her arms around her hips, pulling her down. Both of them liked the feeling of her being on top, she felt powerful.

His lips made contact with her clit, giving her whole sex a lick before pushing his tongue between her folds, finding her clít. She moaned when his tongue sucked and circled around her clít. She pushed her body further down before starting to move her hips back and forth. Moans left her mouth and a groan left his lips, sending vibrations through her body. She felt him moved his tongue a bit further down, to her entrance.

"Ivar," She moaned and gripped his hair. He released her waist with one hand before moving the other to her entrance and he went back up to caress her clít. He pushed two fingers inside, another groan leaving his mouth and she moaned.

Her hips started to move faster and he kept up with the pace. Loud moans leaving her mouth as she gripped the headboard. She felt herself getting closer and closer. She pinched her nipple with one hand as the feeling from her core spread.

"Ivar!" She almost screamed out loud. Her deep breaths was the only thing being heard. He gave her a gentle slap on her ass and she chuckled. She moved away from his head and laid down beside him. She looked at him with that familiar look in her eyes.

"I hopefully didn't suffocate you," She mumbled and he smirked.

"One of the best ways to die then," He said jokingly with a chuckle and she joined them before slapping his shoulder. He moved closer to kiss her. She moaned into the kiss before they pulled away. She moved to rest her head on his chest. Soon both their bodies into a deep slumber.

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