Without any luck, Björn Pt 2

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It had been a few days since Björn had mentally undressed me and pushed me up against the wall. I hadn't thought about it like any other woman would. Björn was a married man, an extremely attractive married man. I had a thing for slight dominant men with broad shoulders, toned bodies and blond hair. Björn wasn't an excuse in that matter.

"You need to feel the material," Floki spoke and probably noticed my oddly lack of interest in the building today. Suddenly his fingers snapped a few inches infront of my face which made me blink and return to Floki and boats.

"Yep," I mumbled and he let out a sigh. My hair was messy and body totally covered in glistening sweat. My odor wasn't smelling like fresh apples, more like someone who joined the gods ages ago. I scratched the back of my head and looked Floki in the eyes who now stood beside me.

"I needed your help with the boats young lady, not have your presence. Helga gives me that," Floki said and I bit my lip in shame.

"Oh please, Helga gives you everything," I snapped tiredly before looking at the boats. "Now less talking and more building," I continued and walked over to the boats. The base of one boat was ready to become the majestic things Floki made them to be.

We continued to build and Floki tried to come up with ideas to make the boats even better. I loved his enthusiasm, mind and skills. Floki was a very smart man, crazy and smart. My limbs were tired but Floki was a little more than dubble the age and kept going.

"Floki!" Someone yelled. Floki didn't stop his moments so neither did I. The same voice yelled Floki's name ones more before revealing himself. Björn came walking from the other side of the house. His eyes quickly found mine and a smirk covered his lips which made me roll my eyes before continuing working.

"What is it Björn?" Floki asked, his tone flat as he focused on the boat.

"I was just wonder how's everything was going with the boats," Björn said and looked at me but I ignored him and helped Floki. "I see you got help," He continued but neither one of us answered, too focused on the boats.

"Maybe if you place it on the top instead?" I asked Floki who frowned.

"You mean like that?" Floki asked and I shook my head before taking the material in my hands to show him what I meant. Floki hummed and nodded before trying it himself.

"Yes, that way you wont drop it if the weather is sticking its stick up your asses." I answered and Floki chuckled as he patted my shoulder.

"Dinner's ready Floki," Helga said and Floki quickly looked at her with a loving smile. Their relationship was amazing. Floki's love for Helga was so strong I sometimes felt lightheaded in their presence. Helga was such a kind and loving woman. She stood next to Björn who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Well, let's continue tomorrow okay?" Floki said to me and I nodded. My body was happy to have a break from the tough and hard work.

"Björn can you walk with her back, so she doesn't have to walk alone?" Helga said and I loved how she cared even when the sky was still an early evening. Yet I had to walk with Björn, who's eyes hadn't left my body ones since he arrived.

"My pleasure," Björn said with a smirk. I let out a sigh and frowned when I saw Floki mumble something to him and Björn laughed. I carefully got out of the boat and started to walk back. Björn was quickly next to me and we walked in silence.

"How long have you helped Floki with his boats?" Björn asked out of nowhere and I shrugged.

"A few years, he's a friend of my father," I said and he nodded. "I'm not a professional like him but I'm taking some weight from his shoulders," I continued. Floki had taught me so much, not only about boats but he talked a lot about the gods. I thought I knew the deal but hence he knew so much more.

"I can see that, look at those arms," Björn said and nodded towards my biceps. My simple shirt hugged rather tightly around my arms.

"Stop it, they're hideous," I said with a slight blush. My arms was rather big for a girl, I had done a lot of physical work with the boats. I was very strong but most of the others had more skinny and tones arms, when mines were slightly more bulkier.

"No, I like strong women," Björn said and gave me a wink. I shook my head disapprovingly and he chuckled.

"And I like respectful men," I spat back and he rolled his eyes. "I'm surprised your wife haven't found out you're fùcking your own mothers lover behind her back," I spat and he let out a big breath. I stopped to look at him. Björn only raised his brow when I didn't move.

"It's nothing serious, I told you," He said, trying to defend his actions as he stepped closer to me. His hight towering over me which made me feel small. I smacked him which caught him by surprise. His cheek turned slightly pink but he remained silent.

"You're a pig," I said and he rolled his eyes. I moved my arm bit and he took a firm grip around my wrist probably thinking I would slap him again. He pushed me back until my back hit a tree. I had no idea why I had gotten this unwanted attention from him. I had gotten a slightly different vibe from him in the beginning. He seemed faithful and respectful, not a hòrny animal.

"I just wished you would let me make you feel so good," He mumbled and his breath fanned over my face. There was a slight faint smell of mead which made me frown but I decided to not question it.

"Well I won't," I said as I tried to get out from his grip.

"I even asked the gods..." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Björn nothing will ever happen between us," I started and looked him in the eyes. "So stop trying," I mumbled and he continued to look me in the eyes.

"You say one thing, but your body is anything something else," He continued and I shook my head. He's missing the point.

"I'm saying no and I'm trying to get out from your grip how's that different?" I questioned as he got closer. His free hand pushed the hair from my neck so my neck was free. He placed his lips against my neck. They sucked, his teeth suck rather roughly into my skin which made me moan before his slick tongue stroked it. His previously free hand was now resting on my waist.

As I felt him relax and slowly release my wrist I placed my hands on his chest. With force I pushed him away. I shook my head and mentally thanked Floki for giving me these arms. Telling the gods to keep an extra eye on him.

"I said no," I said before walking away.

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