Cheating on Sigurd

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a/n: omg, double update! What is happening today? ;) You guys deserve it.


My eyes were focused on the filled plate of food infront of me. The mood in the room had hit the ground quickly as my husband Sigurd kept nagging on Ivar. It was the same every single meal we all shared with each other and I was fed up.

"Sigurd," I tried but he didn't listen.

Ubbe kept interfering a few times when they got too far but I had grown tired of my husbands childish behavior on always coming after Ivar. I had grown tired of Ivar as well for enjoying to continuing the unpleasantries shared during the dinners.

"Your wife looks rather bored brother, not taking care of her? You know where my hut is Y/n," Ivar spat and I looked at him. Sigurd bit his lip as he looked at his brother as well with fire burning in his eyes. Ivar winked at me.

"You're a cripple..." Here we go again I thought as I zoomed out. Whenever my husband decided to state the obvious and poke rather roughly at Ivar I left the conversation. I had a rather okay relationship with Ivar since he was someone I could speak with when it came to deeper stuff about life. However he was rather odd and cynical but I didn't like Sigurd for always using the cripple card on his younger brother.

"You want to go brother?" Ivar invited his brother to a fight.

"Quit it brothers," Ubbe said rather harsh which made me look at him. I gave him a nod which he returned. When neither my husband or Ivar stopped arguing I decided to leave the great hall. Sigurd didn't seem to care as he continued to argue with his brother. I was angry and tired.

I decided to walk out to the small hut Sigurd had showed me in the beginning of our relationship. We had slept here for the first time and had been caught sleeping with each other here as well by his brothers.

When I finally had arrived I quickly fixed a smaller fire before relaxing on the rather big bed in the middle of the room. My dress as well as my limbs were sprawled out on the sheets. The sound of silence and only the fire crackling made all my muscles relax. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. Suddenly there was a knock and I groaned.

"No-ones home!" I yelled sarcastically and the person ont he other side laughed. It was very familiar which made me sit up. Ubbe walked inside and raised his brow as our eyes met.

"Fed up with the Ragnarsson fighting?" Ubbe asked and I nodded.

"Am I a bad wife for asking you to please remind me why I married your immature brother?" I asked before letting out a big breath. Ubbe silently walked over to the bed and sat down beside me.

"Regretting it already?" Ubbe asked and I shrugged.

"I wanted to marry a man, as any other woman want. Not a child that treats his brother like a peasant and is ogling other women," I said and Ubbe frowned.

"Sigurd's looking at other women?" Ubbe asked and I nodded. I had grown closer to Ubbe these past months since his wife Margrethe was killed. I had distanced myself from him and his wife since I knew Sigurd had slept with her plus he still kept looking at her dreamily. "F.ucking idiot..." Ubbe mumbled quietly.

"I just miss what we had in the beginning. Lust for each other and no one else," I said and he nodded. "His disgusting behavior is slowly fading my feelings towards him which makes me almost loath myself." I said and Ubbe frowned once more.

"Why? You're beautiful, sexy, intelligent and an extremely great shield maiden," Ubbe asked and I looked him in the eyes. My cheeks heated at his words and my muscles deep inside contracted.

"Thanks, just wishing those words could leave my husbands mouth more often." I said and he nodded. After that we just looked at each other without saying anything. Ubbe moved closed and his breath fanned over my face. My heart heated quickly in my chest as I got a little closer as well.

"It's a waste if my brother claimed you and then doesn't take care of you properly," Ubbe said before he placed a hand on my thigh. I could feel the warmth of his hand on my high through my clothes and I got wet. His thumb rubbed small circles on my leg as we continued to look at each other. I nodded and my breath hitched in my throat as he slowly moved my dress up with his hand.

Soon his rough hand came in contact with the soft skin on the inside of my thigh. I licked my lips before bitting down onto my bottom lip. I started to breath through my mouth as his hand got closer to my sęx. When his fingers simply just grazed over my clït I smashed my lips onto his. As I did so he placed two fingers over my clït then started to rub small circles. I moaned at the feeling and so did he.

"Let me show you how a real mean should treat his wife," Ubbe said and it wasn't a question. He swiftly pushed me down onto the bed and pulled my dress up to my waist before placing himself between my legs. I looked at him with a heavy beating heart, breaths and wide eyes.

Ubbe looked me deeply in the eyes as he licked my pùssy from my entrance to my clït. His tongue licked a circle around my pulsing clït when he reached it. I bit my lip as I moaned loudly. I held a firm grip with one hand on the sheets and the other a firm grip of his head.

"Mmh," He moaned against my clït and it sent vibrations through my body. "Tastes so good baby," Ubbe said in a thick and raspy voice which made me moan. My hips moved with his tongue.

"I need you inside of me," I managed to get out and he moaned again.

"And I need to feel you around me baby," Ubbe said as he got up to removed his pants and shirt quickly before hiving over me again. Out lips connected once more and I could taste fairly taste myself. I moaned when I saw his hard còck. It was slightly bigger than Sigurd. Ubbe smirked as he noticed me staring.

"I'm going to make you feel incredible baby," Ubbe said before spreading my legs more then positioning himself at my entrance. I moaned and squirmed under whims he rubbed the tip of his hard member against my entrance.

"Please," I moaned silently and he obeyed. My back arched as a loud what you could call a moan left my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck after he roughly pulled my dress apart. His mouth soon my nipples. I pulled him closer as a shiver ran down my back from the pleasure.

"Oh baby," Ubbe moaned as he sat up as increased his pace. He thrusted deeply and hard which made my eyes roll back. My toes curled and since I hadn't had sex in a while I felt my peak nearing. I think Ubbe felt the same.

"I'm going to cüm baby," I moaned and Ubbe thrusted harder. I scratched my nails down his back as he sucked on my neck. Soon a larger than life tall wave of pleasure hit me hard. I moaned something incoherent as Ubbe filled me up while groaning loudly.

Ubbe soon fell down beside me and I turned to face him. Our breaths were heavy as we laid there in silence. I licked my lips as I looked a way quickly before looking back at him. Ubbe placed a piece of hair away behind my ear.

"My brother is stupid for fighting with someone who could kill him," Ubbe began and I just looked at him. "He is an absolute asshole with no brain for ignoring his amazing wife," Ubbe said and I smiled shyly.

"And I would be so much better Y/n,"

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