Ragnar's christian love Pt. 2

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A few doing ways had passed since Ragnar had talked to his attractive servant, Y/N. The same night he had been touching himself while his mind played scenarios of the young woman stroking him, kissing, sucking and her body on top of his own as she rode him.

Now he was sitting in a filled tub once more, yet this time he hadn't bumped into the young beauty. His son had asked to speak to him after dinner which took a while and when he walked inside Y/n was no where to be seen. Yet he had no idea how long he had been sitting in the tub, the water was now lukewarm.

Suddenly the door opened and the sound of a soft gasp echoed between the stone walls. Ragnar looked over his shoulder and smirked when he saw the familiar shape by the door.

"I'm sorry, I though you were finished a long time ago," Y/n spoke as Ragnar turned around. His smirk didn't fade when he saw her flushed cheeks. Her lips slightly parted and eyes were wide as they locked gazes. Ragnar motioned for her to enter but she stood frozen by the door.

"Isn't the water cold?" She asked as she finally stepped inside. Ragnar only shrugged his shoulders as he smirked again. His eyes roamed her body, it was still covered and hidden under a grey dress. He bit the inside of his cheek when he fought the urge to rip it open.

"Why don't you check it yourself?" Ragnar said and his smirk widen. Y/n's cheeks got even redder and eyes widen again.

"I'm not falling for that," Y/n mumbled softly and he asked her to repeat herself. Ragnar enjoyed to see her uncomfortable. She avoided his eyes, cheeks red, breathing rugged and hands fumbling.

"Falling for what?" Ragnar asked while smiling. Y/n let out a sigh before looking him in the eyes.

"Seeing you naked when I walk over there, you touching me when I walk over there," She mumbled before looking a way, the redness on her cheeks never fading.

"It's lukewarm," Ragnar said as he decided to stop torturing her, yet he was still smiling. She quickly turned around and excused herself. Not long after she walked inside with a bucket of steaming warm water.

"You could've just have joined me, I bet we could've created a pleasant warmth," Ragnar said as his eyes followed her every move. Y/n tried to contain her smile as she rolled her eyes. "I mean you're my servant. Ecbert said you should do anything to make me feel pleased," He continued and Y/n snapped her head up and stared at him.

"Stop it," Y/n said and Ragnar only chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I wouldn't hurt you," He stated truthfully and smiled. "At least not intentionally," He added and she snorted.

"Good night Ragnar," She said before leaving the room. Ragnar enjoyed her using her name and he almost left the tub as she walked out. His mind was spinning, he took a deep breath before quickly leaving the tub. He quickly got dressed in his clothes by the door before leaving. He saw a guard down the hall and he yelled for his attention. The guard tensed and got ready with his spear.

"Where does Y/n sleep?" Ragnar asked when he got closer to the guard. The guard frowned as he looked at him.


"Y/n, the servant," Ragnar said and the guard nodded.

"First floor to the right, then it's the fifth door," The guard answered and Ragnar didn't thank him, instead he hurried down the stares and followed his directions. Soon he found the door and tired to listen for any sounds on the other side but there was nothing. He looked both directions of the hall before knocking. Soon the door opened and wide eyes once again met his. Y/n had changed into a slightly see through white long night gown and her long hair fell over her breasts.

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