Without any luck, Björn

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a/n: this got way shorter than I had planned!


The great hall was filled with drunk and happy vikings. They were celebrating Björn Ironsides successful raid beyond Frankia and Paris. I stood alone with a cup of mead in hand as a smile covered my lips as I observed the happy people.

Their cheering could probably be heard from miles away. Queen Lagertha sat proudly on her throne as she spoke to her son. Björn whispered something in her ear and she smiled. Björn's other brothers were also seated by Lagertha and Björn. Hvitserk seemed to tell stories about his raid with Björn to his brothers, accept for Ivar who was no where to be seen.

"To Björn and his successful raid!" A man yelled over the celebrating people as he stood up with his cup raised high in the air. Everyone raised their cups and repeated the mans words proudly. I continued to smile before brining the cup to my lips to take a sip as we cheered.

"I don't think I've seen you here before?" A man spoke from behind causing me to turn around quickly. My eyes widen slightly as I was forced to tilt my head up to look at the tall and well built Björn Ironside standing before me. When I quickly calmed down I smiled as I raised my brow.

"Well, then my prince you haven't looked hard enough," I said as I gave him a wink. I turned around so my side faced him as I looked out on the crowd of people. I could feel his eye burn down my body but I didn't melt. Björn stepped a bit closer to my body and I could slightly feel his breathing fan over my face.

"Shall I take it as you're taken?" Björn asked as he took a sip of mead. I tried to hide my smile as I looked up at him. When I didn't say anything he raised his brow as he looked me in the eyes. I couldn't help but to wonder why he spoke to me since he had his wife Torvi and his new found lover Astrid.

"I'm just a woman who has respect for others," I said before walking away. I walked over to one of the servants and kindly asked for more mead. Soon I felt a presence behind me and a cup was suddenly held next to my own. The servants eyes widen and I slightly turned my face. I was met with a broad chest very close to my face.

"You never answered my question," Björn spoke and I rolled my eyes. The servant quickly filled his cup before walking away. I mimicked his movements when he took a sip of mead before walking away once more.

"I believe I did son of Ragnar," I said as I gave him a wink as I walked outside. When outside I took a deep breath of fresh air. Goosebumps covered my skin from the chilly night air. Thousands of stars filled the sky and the bright moon reflected itself beautifully in the ocean.

"I believe you didn't answer my question," Björn said from behind and I chuckled. I bit my bottom lip as I tried to contain my laughter.

"You don't give up do you?" I said and turned around to face him. He stood by the entrance with his arms crossed over his chest with his cup. He bit his lip as he smiled.

"I just like when people answer my questions. You see, you never answered my question..." He began as he took a step closer to me. " I asked if you were taken and you simply said 'I'm just a woman who has respect for others,' that has two possible meanings," He continued and I opened my mouth to speak yet he placed a finger over my mouth.

"One, you aren't married but not interested since I'm married. Second, you are married but not interested since I'm married," He said and I chuckled as I looked at the ground. This man was unbelievable. As I looked back up I bit my lip, Björn smiled and raised his brow.

"I'm not married and not interested since you're married," I said and he rolled his eyes. "I've seen and heard that doesn't stop you but not everyone's the same," I continued as he got even closer.

"Well, Astrid is only something to tease my mother with, nothing serious," Björn said as he placed a finger under my chin before tilting my head up so our eyes met. "My wife and I haven't had the best relationship these past weeks," He continued and I frowned.

"How do you know, you haven't been here have you?" I asked and he rolled his eyes as his finger traced my jaw line before down my neck to my collarbone then slowly further down, towards my cleavage. I quickly placed my hand on top of his to stop him. "I'm not that woman Björn," I said truthfully.

"I'm not asking you to be my second-" He started and I snorted.

"You're third," I said and he rolled his eyes, looking rather angry.

"Okay, I'm not asking you to be my third," He said as his voice faded at the end before swallowing hard. "I'm asking for you to be my first for the night," He said and I flinched back. I crunched my nose in disgust.

"Then you didn't hear my answer to your second question," I said as I looked him in the eyes. Neither one of us said anything after that. We just looked into each others eyes. Björn decreased the space between us as he placed his hand on my waist. I just slowly shook my head.

Björn Ironside was indeed a very handsome man. His blue eyes was electric, he had a very kind smile and his body was simply perfect. If Björn wasn't married and he would've asked me the same question I probably wouldn't hesitate. He had seen me even if I wasn't a woman of class. I was a simple farmer girl who every now and then helped Floki with his boats. That was the most attractive part, even if he was only looking for sex.

"I did," Björn said and tried to hold in his laughter which made me smile. "Why didn't I meet you before?" He mumbled and I shrugged.

"Because..."I began as I pulled away. "This wasn't supposed to happen my prince," I said and walked away for the last time with Björn's eyes burning down my back.

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