Betrayal Part 4.

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You and Björn was getting close to home. Your heart pounding quickly in your chest as you got closer. A shaky sigh left your lips audit was loud enough for Björn to hear. As the horses walked in a comfortable pace Björn looked at you.

"Are you okay?" Björn asked and you nodded. Then silence engulfed the both of you and only the sound of heavy hooves was heard. A strike of emotion hit your body as you saw the familiar spot in the woods. Memories of training with the brothers and you ex husband filled your head however you shook the thoughts away.

The sound of life was heard. People talking and the smell of different kinds of food filled your nose. You quickly looked at the ground, were Ragge walked next to your horse before looking back up. Björn and you walked out from the woods and then you saw it. Your home. You stopped your horse and Björn did the same, letting you just observe the village before actually entering it.

"At least it looks the same," You mumbled and Björn nodded. "I actually missed this a lot," You continued with a confession as you turned to look at Björn who smiled at you. You felt a kick in you stomach which was so light you hardly noticed.

"And you've been missed," Björn said and nodded towards the village. You turned your head and spotted a few familiar faces walking around, unknown to your presence. With a tongue clicking sound the horses started to move towards the village. As you entered you felt people's eyes burn down your body.

Relief filled your body when you didn't see Ubbe and that people actually smiled at you. Some filled with pity which you chose to ignore.

"Y/n!" Torvi said with a smile as you met. You gave her a big smile before carefully jumped off the horse back with some help from Björn.

"Torvi!" You said before engulfing her in a big hug, well at least you tried with the bump on your stomach. Her eyes widen when she saw it and almost immediately place a hand on your bump.

"By all the god's, Y/n this is growing!" Tori said with an enthusiastic smile as Björn kissed her temple. "Isn't it ready to pop out soon?" She continued when Björn unloaded out cargo. You nodded and looked around the area.

"Excuse me," You said kindly when you spotted a very familiar man right outside the great hall.

"Ivar," You said with a smile as you walked up to him. His eyes widen and mouth hung agape as his eyes landed on you. A wide smile soon spread on his lips as he patted on the spot next to him och the porch.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were coming back," Ivar said and just like Torvi's his eyes widen as the size of your stomach. He raised his brow to ask if it was okay to touch and you only nodded with a shy smile. His rough hand placed itself onto your dress clad stomach and his smile even got bigger.

"This is insane Y/n, I'm going to become an uncle," Ivar mumbled as his eyes was filled with pride and happiness. You nodded and smiled at him. Ivar noticed how your eyes roamed around the city and he let out a big breath.

"Don't worry about him. He had probably passed out somewhere," Ivar spat with venom dripping from his words and slight worry filled your body. You nodded before you both sat in a comfortable silence, watching the town people. Children were running around some squealing out of joy as they played, men and women were on the market to get some food and others only talking with each other. You had for sure missed the sound of people talking.

"Y/N!" A too familiar voice screamed over the sound of the village. Your breath hitched in your throat as you saw a very drunk Ubbe walking out from a hut further down with Hvitserk trying to get a grip of him. When Ubbe saw you the look on his face was covered in shock. He blinked a few times like it wasn't you sitting there only his playing game with him due to the mead. You nose scrunched up in disgust due to his state.

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