Why should Ivar know?

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The young woman, wife of Ivar the Boneless, sat by the dinner table in the great hall. Her husband sat next to her insulting his older brother Sigurd as the rest of his brothers ate in silence. On her other side sat Hvitserk who tried to cheer her up as Ivar continued to be rude towards his blond brother.

She smiled at Hvitserk who made sure her cup was never mead free. As the slave filled her cup for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. Ivar shot his wife an angry glare as he didn't want her wife to humiliate herself as she got drunk. She looked at her husband and he only clenched his jaw when she reach out to take the cup in her hand.

However this time he slammed his hand on top of hers before she could reach the cup. She looked at him with wide eyes as she tried to pull her arm away yet his strong fingers she adored so much took a firm grip on her delicate wrist.

"Enough," Ivar said and Sigurd snorted which got the youngest son's attention once again. Both Ubbe and Hvitserk only rolled their eyes at their youngest son's behavior.

"I think she can take care of herself brother. She's probably used to it when she got a crippled husband," Sigurd scoffed and Ivar's grip on his wife tightened. Y/N couldn't help but to feel bad for her husband, even though he had been acted strangely for a while. When they first met she had interfered when Sigurd and Ivar had been arguing. She didn't like the tone they both used however Sigurd's constant "Cripple" remarks made her furious.

"Why do you even care brother, where's you wife huh?" Ivar spat back. "Or have you scared her away with all the men you've let-"

"Ivar!" Ubbe said sternly. Ivar breathed heavily as he looked at Ubbe. He let go of his wife's wrist before resting his back again the headrest.

"You're always taking Sigurd's side," Ubbe frowned at his youngest brothers words.

"It's because I'm right," Sigurd spat back and Ivar shot daggers at him.

"Stop it, both of you!" Ubbe then said. Ivar snorted before crawling out of his chair. Y/N stood up but Ivar quickly stopped her as he shot her an angry glare.

"Sit, I don't want your drunken company," Ivar growled before crawling away. She sucked in a breath before sitting back down. The awkward silence engulfed them and Y/N felt her heart breaking slightly by her husband's words. She had no idea what's gotten into him these past weeks. He always came home late, never spent any time with her and he almost never spoke to her.

When they talked with each other they usually argued and he stormed off or threw her out of the cabin. She had been forced numerous of times to sleep in the cabin her husband and his brothers stayed in when being fed up with Lagertha. Her cheeks were stained in red as she felt embarrassed by her husband. She had zoned out and only hear mumbling as Ubbe spoke too Sigurd who soon stormed off as well.

"What's up with you and Ivar?" Ubbe asked and both of the remaining brothers looked at the young woman. Y/N only shrugged as she took the cup of mead in her hand. Yet before she could take a sip she stopped and looked down on the liquid.

"Ignore him, drink," Hvitserk said before taking a sip of his own cup. Y/N took a sip before looking at Ubbe who raised his brow at her. He felt sorry for her. Ivar had always had a short temper yet he had ways treated Y/N respectfully and she was even one of those people who he fully listened too.

"I don't know, he's been distant these past weeks," Y/N said as she shrugged again. They nodded and Hvitserk rubbed her shoulder which made Ubbe frown at him. Hvitserk had officially walked out on thin ice. They both knew it yet the younger brother didn't seem to care.

"I'm going to talk to him," Ubbe said and before he left he emptied his cup of mead. A sigh left Y/N's lips when the door closed after Ubbe. Hvitserk asked the slave to leave the mead before leaving them alone which she obeyed before walking out the back of the hall.

"Don't take shít from him love," Hvitserk said once they were alone in the great hall. His eyes roamed over her delicate features. Her nose he found cute, her hair she usually complained over  was braided to perfection for dinner and her lips he wanted to explore like a map filled with places he hadn't seen. He licked his bottom lip before letting his teeth sink onto it. He could feel his blood rushing south as she saw her slick tongue lick the drip of mead on her lip after taking a sip. Hvitserk wanted to change position so his pants wasn't as tight on his hardening member yet he didn't want to reveal his excitement.

"It's difficult when he's only been giving me shít these past weeks," Y/N mumbled quietly as she longed to be close to Ivar again. Feel his warm skin against hers as they cuddled in bed and feel his fingers gently stroke her hair and scalp. She missed training archery with him deep in the woods, to see that proud expression on his face when she shot bulls eye. Now he usually left when she joined them. She had seen him by the shore everyday, looking at the ocean yet she didn't walk over since he usually growled at her for not letting him be alone.

"Then screw him. If I was your husband I would never treat you like that," Hvitserk said and she blushed. She smiled at him and redness started to stain his cheeks as well. Hvitserk filled his empty cup once more and raised his brow as he looked her in the eyes. Y/N smiled and handed him her empty cup. It was soon back in her hand, completely filled with mead.

Y/N and Hvitserk were more than tipsy after emptying a medium sized barrel of mead. They were laughing in the great hall as the dark sky had settled above them. Some slaves had been inside to make sure the torches were still burning and the fire in the middle before quickly leaving. Hvitserk smiled as he saw you wipe tears away from your cheek from all the laughing.

"I think it is time for bed," Hvitserk slurred and he didn't know if he meant with her or alone. Neither did Y/N. They managed to stand up successfully while helping each other. Hvitserk's heart beated just as fast as hers when they giggled drunkenly. She missed laughing like this, like there wasn't a single problem to be worried about, no wars to be won or parents to be avenged.

Hand in hand they walked towards the door. Their pace slow and careful. Before they walked outside Hvitserk stopped to look at the drunk woman beside her. She frowned as she looked him in the eyes. Both their eyes glossy and heavy from the long day. Without thinking Y/N kissed him on the lips. Hvitserk eyes widen at her action but soon closed slowly as his hands found her waist.

Their tongues soon danced together and Hvitserk pushed her towards once of the walls in the great hall. Darkness engulfed them this far in by the wall. He moaned when she bit down on his bottom lip before he took control and explored her mouth.

Y/N felt his hands travel further south before pulling her dress up. As he did so her own hands searched for the straps that kept his pants up. After being tied up his pants fell to the ground as her dress was pushed up to her waist. Y/N sneaked her hands around his neck before he, in one swift motion thrusted inside her. Soft moans and chuckles filled the room as they poured their emotions onto each other.

As Hvitserk felt himself getting close he started to thrust deeper and harder which made Y/N moan out in pleasure loudly. She roughly pulled at his hair when she got closer to her release. Her moans and cries muffled as she bit down onto his shoulder when she came. Hvitserk came close behind and filled her as he groaned. His thrusts sloppy before stopping. He rested his head in her neck as she hid her own face in his. 

Their heavy breathing was the only thing that could be heard. She whined when he pulled out. After pulling her dress back down and his pants was back on he kissed her again. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against hers. Even with the lack of light they looked deep into each others eyes before giggling. One last peck they left the great hall together before deciding it would be best if they parted ways.

Y/N walked back home, not surprised when she got greeted with an empty and cold cabin. With a sigh she threw her tired body onto the bed before falling into a deep slumber of brunette hair, icy eyes and hands roaming her body.

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