Without them knowing.

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a/n: long and this has nothing to do with the previous ragnarssons imagines.


Drunken giggles left the young daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok as she followed the young man inside the smaller shed. Her skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat and when outside in the moonlight her skin glowed because of it.

A smile spread across her lips as she sunk her pearly teeth onto her plump pink lips. The young man, Rick, smirked before quickly closing the door after making sure no one saw them sneak inside. They quickly engulfed each other, hands roaming each others bodies as they got undressed. When their bottom halves were naked, Rick lifted her up and placed her on a barrel before standing in between her legs. Their lips never leaving each other. She tugged at his brunette braided hair which made him groan.

"Are you sure about this?" Rick asked her and she hummed. He smashed their lips together before spreading her legs further apart before placing his hard member at her entrance.

"Come on we don't have all night," She groaned which made them both chuckle before he pushed inside her. She hid her head in the crook of his neck as he pulled out before thrusting back inside her with force. Rick kept kissing and sucking on her neck as she bit down on her lips to prevent her letting everyone in Kattegat know what they were up to in the shed.

"Björn! Have you seen her?" The familiar voice belonging to her older brother Ubbe made them both stop moving. She could only feel his heavy breathing fanning over her neck as they kept as silent at possible. Steps were heard outside and Rick turned around to look at the closed door. A chuckle almost slipped past his lips as they saw Ubbe, Hvitserk and Ivar right outside the shed yet she managed to silence it with her hand over his mouth. A big smile was visible on her lips.

"No, she's not in her cabin," Björn's voice was heard, he was getting closer and soon they could see him as well. "Have you checked the hunting cabin?" He continued as the joined the other outside the shed. Rick moved a bit, not moving with her slick walls around him made his forehead sweaty. She bit her lip roughly as she felt the pleasure. She looked Rick in the eyes and raised her brows with a smile on her lips.

"We just checked the cabin and Sigurd is looking by the shore," Hvitserk said. "Maybe she's on the hill with that stupid friend of hers," Hvitserk continued and she rolled her eyes but still smiled. With Rick now slowly moving in and out of her very slowly and carefully with her brothers outside filled her body with excitement.

"The blacksmith's son?" Björn asked and Hvitserk nodded which made the oldest brother curse under his breath. "That shady fùck," Björn later on said before they agreed on checking her own cabin once more before returning to their own. When they had disappeared they both started to chuckle. She removed her hand from his lips before they started to kiss once again. They didn't get interrupted more that night which they both were thankful for.

The next day Y/N left her cabin dressed in her usual combat clothes, a large black cloak and furs as she walked towards the great hall. She cheeks got rosy quick due to the cold and she wondered what her brothers would say after last nights search. She bit her lips when the imagines of her and Rick's encounter in the shed filled her mind.

When she walked inside all her brothers were there accept for Hvitserk, Lagertha and Aslaug. They sat around the main table as they ate their breakfast. Her stomach rumbling as she could smell the food. She had been rather hungry since last night after she had slept with Rick yet it would be weird if she had walked back into the filled great hall to stuff her mouth full with food again. She sat down between Björn and Ubbe. She bit the inside of the cheek when she felt the faint sore feeling between her legs. She thanked the gods that no one noticed.

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