1. 1864 -Bella

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My father had just slapped me and sent me to my room when my two brothers appeared out of nowhere.
Damon and Stefan who were normally so kind and compassionate towards me.

Stefan said,"Damon and I have come to inform you, that you need to be gone within an hour"

I asked ,"where am I going?"

Damon said , "we don't know, nor do we care"

I cried, "why are you acting this way?"

They didn't answer me instead they took turns hiring and kicking me. Until I was beaten to an inch of my death

When they left I felt so weak i praticly siphoned the magic from the floor so I could perform the healing spell. I then realized my family had discarded me for Katherine. I then felt a strong hatred her with my very being.

I packed my bags taking as much money as I could by writing bank checks from my father.

The hole town knew me as the good little girl that does nothing wrong at all, a true angel. I then left the house with over 8million In bank checks. I put them in my bag and walked through my home for the last time the Salvatore boarding house. My only home.

When I got out side Katherine was waiting, she snapped my neck killing me. When I awoke I realized what she had done. I soon then knew she had no idea what she created, the first heretic the dawn was approaching and I made a split second decision to make my rose petal encased in tree sap a daylight object.

I ran away when she left me alone to do something or just abandoned me. I cashed the checks and killed the blacksmiths daughter.

With that I left never seeing Stefan, Damon or the devil herself Katherine petrova again......

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