7. finding Bella - Stefan

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Damon and i searched all over town for Bella. We didn't find anything and in really wishing we did....

We went over to Liz's and saw Bella through the window next door. She looked like she was having fun, laughing and smiling. I'm happy for her. We walked over to her house and knock on the door. I hesitated in knocking on the door. 

I looked to Damon for strength. He Knocks on the door.

A man's voice yells, "I'll get it sis"

The door opens and I see somebody i have never seen before.

Damon said, "is Bella home we need to talk to her"

The guy said, "she doesn't want to talk to ether of you two"

I said , "why don't and who are you?"

He replied , "because of what you did when she was human and because when you turned you didn't try to find her she was only in forks. as for who I am my name is kol Michelson. And thanks to isa I'm a heretic"

I looked to see Damon pail a couple shades.

I yelled, "release  my sister original"

Then Bella walks to the door.

She said, "koley go back to reb, e, and nicky I'll deal with him"

Kol replies , "you sure isa?"

She said, "yes bro I'm sure"

Kol gives us a death glare then kisses Bella on the fore head which Bella leans into like their family.

I say, "Bella let's go before they come"

She let a sign of exasperation out, "you don't get it I want them to be here! Their my family! Reb is my big  sister!"


Klaus appears out of thin air and wraps his hands around her one around her waist the other diagonally going from her waist to her left shoulder and his head on her right shoulder. His hold seemed possessive I wonder what's going on there?

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