2. 2017-Bella

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As soon as my dream ended I Jack knifed off the seat. I saw we were close to the dock. I put my seat belt on and ready my self to leave.

The fairy came to a strand I drove off the boat and onto the dirt road. I follow the dirt road until I reach the 'welcome to mystic falls' sign. I then drive into my street and park in my garage and then walked to my boot and put my motorbike on the other side of the garage. I the walked through the connecting door to the kitchen with my bag and the cooler. I placed the blood bags from the cooler in the fridge.

I walked to by bedroom and unpacked. I looked at the clock and saw the time 5:50am. I got changed into my deputy sheriffs uniform and grabbed carrie's, Bennie's and Gillies presents and walked next door to Liz's house.

I made my way over and made the girls favourite breakfast. My famous bacon and egg burger with a side of pancakes with one a scoop of ice-cream and blueberries with orange juice. For Liz a home made omelette with cheese, bacon and shallots with pancakes with ice-cream golden syrup with blueberries, strawberries and banana with a hot coffee.

One by one I heard them running through the house. Liz was first then Carrie, Gillie and bennie. They gave me a hug then I gave them their presents. 

They put them on squealing about how pretty they are and how much they loved them.

Salvatore blood and a long storyWhere stories live. Discover now