4. no compulsion - Stefan

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When I got to school all I heard about was aunty bellie this and aunty bellie that or aunty bellies so talented or aunty bellies so pretty.

I walked with the girls and lead them behind the school and tried to compel them but it didn't work. I tried taking them off but a witch a powerful one at that has spelled them so I cant.

Elena said, "Stefan what are you doing?"

Caroline snapped, "he's trying to use his Vampire abilities on us but lucky aunty Isabella helped us I can't believe she did this for us now our necklaces match the rose one from her mother"

They can't mean my older sister....she can't be alive...how can she do magic?

I say, "what's Isabella last name?"

Elena said, "Salvatore-swan but she's dropping swan and going back to her real name "

I said, "how is she .....she's a vampire"

Bonnie said, "no she's not"

I said, "than what is she?"

They said together, "we can't tell you"

They walked away and my phone rang and I answered.

Me: did u know about bel

Damon: I just found out I'm pulling u from school

Me: ok

Damon: hurry I'm outside school

Me: on my way

Damon: OK

He hung up and u walked to the parking lot

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