13. two weeks- mixed

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It's been two weeks since the hole Nicky thing but I think they've finally given up trying to locate me. If it weren't for Liz needing me on the day light shift I'd still be on the graveyard shift.

I haven't seen Nicky around so I assume he's ether shacking up with some other bimbo making the hole mate thing up again or moved out of town. I don't care which......which is a bad lie I totally still care I hope he's just gone. Knowing him it's not that.

I walk into the mystic grill and see Damon and Stefan with whom I've recently reconciled with. I waved and sat at the bar and order a scotch on the rocks.

I heard, "mine Izzy mine"

I knew who it was Nicky. I payed for the drink then walked out of the bar only to be kidnapped by ro. .

Ro said, "never leave Izzy. I never leave Izzy. You never leave Izzy."

Before I knew it we were at Nicky's and we were on the couch in the same position as when the whole heart breaking mess began.

I say softly, "ro, you can't force Klaus into a relationship he doesn't want and I've already had by heart broken four...five times I don't plan on there being a sixth I'm sorry"

I slowly get off him and start to walk to wards the door when I reach the handle and try to open it the door won't open.

I ask, "why won't the door open?"

Ro said, "brother spell closed until you the vamp talk"

I say , "let's get it over with"

I saw his face change.

Nicky said, "Bella I'm sorry"

I said, "I don't care Klaus"


I flinched she never calls me Klaus or Niklause (of she ever called my by my full name is die of a broken heart).

it's always been Nicky or nik but never Klaus or Niklause when I looked into her eyes I saw how much I hurt her.

I say, "I love you so does ro. I've loved you before ro told us we were mates. I never meant to hurt you I just....wanted to find the perfect way to tell you how much I love you how much that night means to me a d above all how much I adore everything you are, everything you do and everything that is because of you like kols magic. Magic he wouldn't of had if you didn't awaken it from deep inside of him. "

I looked into her eyes and saw so much hurt, love and the most heartbreaking hesitance. I never want her to hesitate with me ever. I can feel ro wimping at the sight. It brakes my heart to see how fractured she is.

I walk over to her and Take her onto my arms and lay on the bed together.

Days pass and isa is in a catatonic like state

🎆kol 🎆

I didn't hear any noise, no yelling, whispers, moaning , cry's for help nothing. Until I heard roman's howl and I knew something must be going on.

I couldn't determine weather it was good or bad so I just left them. I used my magic to seek the possible futures but there was only one possible future that ends with Bella and Klaus together.

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