5. new deputy - damon

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I had heard rumors about Liz hiring an old partner back as her new partner. In all the time I've known her she never once mentioned this old friend to me. In all this time she never told me why she rejected my offers.....

I walk over to her office and open the door not caring who's behind it. When I opened it I saw Liz and an unknown deputy who I can only assume Is her new partner drinking. It takes her to notice I'm even in the room when she does she starts acting weird.

I run over to the deputy and see my sister Isabella Salvatore.

I compel, "what is your name?"

She says, "you can't compel me Damon. I'm more powerful than you and Stefan now.  I just want you both to leave me to do my work. Liz may I go?"

Liz said, "sure take the rest of the day off"

My sister walks over to her and asks for her earings she holds them in her hands and chants she stops then chants again but different world she she hands them back to Liz who puts them Mack in her ears that snap closed.

Liz said, " 23 years ago I met isa she was new on the force and we were paired to get her we lived in the same street. We were like sisters. One day five years after we had been working together I found out I was pregnant with Caroline and my ex-husband accused me of cheating and pulled a gun and tried to shoot me but isa cast her self between us she then used magic to keep us safe just in case the bullet was a through and through.

She saved us. It took some time but i accepted her for everything after that we became closer than ever. She told me everything about her past. Even about Kathrine petrova who is Elena's doppelganger.  She even did some digging and Silas and Stefan are doppelgangers too.  Another thing Elena was adopted.

All I can say about you Damon Is I'm not surprised you did that even if you were being compelled that goes away after you turn.  After finding this out about Stefan I see him in a totally different light. I'm just happy isa had nik to help her. GET OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW DAMON JAMES SALVATORE"

I turned on my foot and left.

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